Global collaboration on sustainable investment

Eight sustainable investment organizations from around the world are teaming up to create a report on the global scope of sustainable and responsible investment. The harmonized global trends report—the first joint initiative by the organizations—is scheduled for release in December 2012.

The report will analyze the prevalence of investment strategies that consider environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors in investment analysis and ownership activities. It will document the types of investors involved, break down the strategies employed and make international market comparisons. It will cover all asset classes—from public equities and fixed income, to hedge funds and microfinance. ESG investment strategies such as screening, integration and engagement will be assessed across jurisdictions.

The sustainable investment organizations, at the conclusion of their summit in London, England, in March, also agreed to launch a global website in the last quarter of 2012 and to collaborate more closely on policy issues.

The organizations at the meeting included the Canadian Social Investment Organization (SIO), the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association, US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment, the European Sustainable Investment Forum, the Responsible Investment Association Australasia, the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development and the Association for Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia. Additionally, the Africa Sustainable Investment Forum Project provided the group with input from the African region.

Each participating organization will be responsible for collecting data in its home market.

“The strength of the sustainable investment industry lies in the diversity of our members in Canada and around the world,” said Eugene Ellmen, executive director of SIO. “Our collective activities as sustainable investment forums will give voice to our members by showing this global diversity.”

The SIO is a national membership-based organization that includes financial institutions, investment firms, financial advisors and various organizations and individuals interested in socially responsible investment.