In the search for market-beating returns, institutional investors are facing a shifting geopolitical landscape, ongoing questions about monetary policy and the impact of climate change.
At the 2024 Investment Innovation Conference on Nov. 12-14 in Vancouver, B.C., leading academics and industry figures reckoned with the aftermath of the highly anticipated U.S. presidential election and provided expert summaries of the challenges faced by institutional investors.
Find out what you missed!
Democrats and Republicans heading for ideology reckoning after presidential election
Integrating quantitative strategies in fixed income portfolios
Impact investing helping institutional investors reset, rebuild ESG conversation
Canada facing recession, impact of rate cut policy won’t be felt for years
Finetuning equities selection with inside, outside quant/fundamentals perspectives
How asset managers can make investing ‘boring again’ during geopolitical uncertainty
A liability-aware investing assessment can help pension plan sponsors see the bigger picture
Financial challenges fuelling anxiety in establishment institutions
Post-pandemic soft landing is here but market risks continue to loom
Harnessing lessons from the past to future-proof investment portfolios
Separating fact and fiction from investment stories requires correlation and causation review
Panel: Pension plan sponsors deploying AI cautiously, experimenting investment test cases
Find out more about the Canadian Investment Review‘s events.