Latest news in Conference Coverage

2023 GIC coverage: Tracking headwinds and tailwinds in Canadian housing development

Housing affordability will be a challenge, particularly for newcomers to Canada — pushing more of that demographic into the rental market, said Aaron Pittman, head…

2023 GIC coverage: Institutional investors finding opportunities for high-yield in unlikely places

Institutional investors are entering a golden period ripe with opportunities in current global and emerging markets, said Karl Dasher, president of Polen Capital, during the Canadian…

2023 GIC coverage: How OPTrust is building resilient portfolios with help of external managers

When investing in external asset managers, pension funds are really investing in teams of people, according to Brandon Gill New, director and head of multi-strategy…

Coverage of the 2023 DC Plan Summit

At the 2023 Defined Contribution Plan Summit, which was hosted in Montebello, Que. on Feb. 21-23, delegates learned from employer case studies and expert thought…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Why big decisions are so hard to make

Speaking during the keynote session at Benefits Canada‘s 2023 Defined Contribution Plan Summit, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, New York Times’ bestselling author and former Google data scientist,…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Helping DC plan members mind the manageable risk gap

With group retirement plans aimed at helping members avoid risks and achieve their savings goals, defined contribution plan sponsors are uniquely positioned to step up…

2023 DC Plan Summit: DC industry’s objectives shifting from retirement to financial wellness

The traditional aim for the defined contribution pension industry has been helping plan members save for retirement, but as the nature of employment, plan design,…

2023 DC Plan Summit: How Australia, the U.S. are tackling decumulation challenges

While a third of Canadians are very or extremely confident they’ll be able to retire at the age they want to, around 40 per cent…

2023 DC Plan Summit: AI insights on financial wellness

Financial stress is impacting Canadians’ mental and physical health, as well as decisions related to their pension plans, said Matt Davison, Western University’s dean of…

2023 DC Plan Summit: A look at McGill University’s search for a comprehensive decumulation solution

While McGill University has factored decumulation into its pension plan for decades, the plan sponsor is continually fine tuning these strategies for members, said John…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Demystifying what ESG means for DC pension plans

While there’s a lot of noise and confusion around environmental, social and governance factors, it comes down to delivering value for investors in terms of…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Exploring secular trends and the impacts on retirement outcomes

Factors such as population demographics, productivity and geopolitics impact economic growth and, by extension, the retirement outcomes of defined contribution pension plan members over longer-term…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Tips for getting more retirement income with less risk

Even though it sounds obvious, maximizing retirement income and making it last for life isn’t what drives most retirees when it comes to making decisions…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Mitigating longevity risk key to ensuring income for life for DC plan members

Mitigating longevity risk is key to solving the decumulation challenge, said Pat Leo, Purpose Investments Inc.’s vice-president of longevity retirement solutions, during a session at Benefits Canada‘s 2023…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Eight billion reasons why capital investment matters again

With eight billion people consuming the planet’s resources, assets such as clean energy and sustainable agriculture are becoming increasingly important to institutional investors, said John…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Keep it simple, thoughtful and measurable to engage millennials in retirement savings

With multiple generations in Canada’s diverse labour force, each generation has distinct needs and expectations, with millennials, in particular, creating increasing challenges for plan sponsors.…

2023 DC Plan Summit: Amazon fostering holistic financial literacy, wellness among employees

Any new benefit introduced at Amazon has to align to its 16 leadership principles, which the organization lives and breathes every day. These include: learn…

Coverage of the 2023 Chronic Disease at Work conference

For almost 10 years, Benefits Canada’s Chronic Disease at Work conference has examined the current trends in chronic disease in Canada and what they mean for plan…

Proactive, customized health and wellness strategies must consider pandemic impacts

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, employers will likely start to see more chronic diseases in their employee population and should consider proactive strategies…

What employers need to know about alopecia areata

In just three months, Jennifer Krahn’s life completely changed. The vivacious and confident ex-athlete and biology teacher began her journey with alopecia areata when she…

A look at the impact of shingles in the workplace

In 2021, Marcy came into Pavithra Ravinatarajan’s pharmacy with a handful of blisters on her face, which she thought was the result of a new…