Top Stories in Expert Panel

Expert panel: Inflation risk — to hedge or not to hedge?

With October inflation hitting an 18-year high, inflation risk is back on the radar of plan sponsors providing inflation-linked defined benefit pensions. In the past,…

Expert panel: How to connect with employees in a remote world

In Canada, the coronavirus pandemic is entering a new phase — vaccines are widely available, travel restrictions are gradually lifting and people are returning to…

Expert panel: Less talk, more action needed to move needle on DEI at top

While talk about the importance of improving diversity on corporate boards and in the C-suite has been ongoing for decades, actual action has been too…


Expert panel: A look at commodity price behaviour over the business cycles

With gas and oil prices reaching new heights last week, panicking both politicians and consumers, we must ask ourselves if this behaviour is typical of…

Expert panel: Six ways to incorporate green initiatives into benefits offerings

The Council of Parties to the United Nations’ climate convention, known as COP26, which is currently underway in Glasgow has put climate change on the…

Expert panel: How could inflation impact DB pension plans?

After being off of Canadians’ radar screens for years, the re-emergence of inflation in recent months is receiving significant attention for many, including pension plan…

Expert panel: The concept of risk and risk management in value investing and modern portfolio theory

Between mixed signals about inflation, signs of structural weakness in China’s over-leveraged real estate sector and September’s low returns on global equities, institutional investors have…

Sounding board: Institutional investors making Canada’s approach to China unsustainable

With the repatriation of Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor following their three-year incarceration in China, relations between Ottawa and Beijing are to be reset.…

Expert panel: Digital health solutions take a holistic approach to patient care

Various forms of digital health care have been available in Canada for several years, but I’d argue nothing has accelerated the awareness, need and adoption…

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Expert panel: Equal access to benefits, digital transformation among keys to return to work

COVID-19 cases are dropping and vaccine counts are rising. The economy is reopening and we can expect to be back at the office soon. But…

Expert panel: A look at retiree benefits and the current health-care system

Many employees may be dreaming of a carefree retirement following many years in the trenches — but they’ll likely have to keep dreaming if they…

Expert panel: How plan sponsors can help make retirement, pensions more equitable

Diversity, equity and inclusion is top of mind for many plan sponsors these days. And, while issues around retirement and pensions likely aren’t the key focus…