Top Stories in Expert Panel

Expert panel: Supporting employees’ mental health a marathon, not a sprint

Anyone who’s ever run a marathon or completed an endurance race or trek knows the last few miles are the hardest, both physically and mentally.…

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The future of investing is multi-disciplinary

The future will increasingly favour institutional investors that can break old patterns of thought. As we move forward and industries and new technologies converge at…

Institutional investors taking closer look at Bitcoin, gold amid inflation fears

Almost 16 months since the global coronavirus pandemic was first declared, there’s now yet another thing for institutional investors to worry about — the possibility…

Investing in iCBT offerings can pay off for employers

As many employees struggle with mental-health issues during these tumultuous times, internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy is one tool that may help them bounce back. Employers…

Could pandemic-related mortality rates impact DB pension plans?

Over the past several months, much attention has been paid to the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on financial markets and, subsequently, defined benefit pension plans’ financial conditions…

How employers can help staff dive back into in-person work

As Canadians watch the U.S. reopen with life returning to normal in various stages, in addition to thoughts of attending sporting events, concerts and gathering…

Value creation may be new cap rate compression in real estate investment

As the era of cap rate compression draws to a close, how can institutional investors maintain the outsized returns they’ve enjoyed for over a decade?…

Looking under the hood of jumbo transactions

The recent announcement that General Motors of Canada Co. purchased $1.8 billion of annuities for its salaried pension plan is creating a lot of excitement.…

Investing in low-carbon economy will pay off for pension plans

We are now in Month 14 of the coronavirus pandemic. For institutional investors like pension plans, this pandemic and its consequences highlight the reality of…

Why decumulation is a challenge for CAPs          

While decumulation is a critical aspect of retirement, in my opinion, it doesn’t attract enough attention. Decumulation is the process of drawing down a capital…

There’s more pandemic-era punches to come for institutional investors

Mike Tyson’s one liner “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” comes to mind when I think of the predicament central…

  • April 1, 2021 April 6, 2021
  • 13:00

The evolution of pension governance policies

Pension governance policies have been common for many years, at least since the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities published its initial guidelines on pension…

How should investors interpret the recent rise in interest rates?

United States 10-year bond yields have risen substantially from their lows of 0.50 per cent last summer, hitting 1.6 per cent by late February. Canadian…