Siemens Canada is paying out $3.4 million in one-time bonuses to Canadian workers in appreciation of their extra work during the coronavirus pandemic.
The company said the payments, which will go to all employees apart from senior managers by the end of this year, work out to about $1,550 per eligible employee.
Read: Managing the holiday party, bonus season during a pandemic
The engineering firm, which makes energy and electrical systems, medical technology, and equipment for railways, construction and manufacturing in Canada, said it has about 2,500 employees and 24 offices and plants across the country. The announcement is part of the firm’s $309-million payout globally and the company said the payments recognize employees across Canada have faced additional burdens caused by the pandemic.
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Siemens is the latest in a long line of employers, including Dollarama Inc., LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services, Sobeys Inc. and Walmart Canada Corp., to announce they’re giving out bonuses to thank employees during the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
“It has been an extremely difficult year for everyone both in industry and personally — we’re deeply proud of our employees and would like to recognize their contributions in Canada as a huge thank you for their efforts,” said Siemens Canada chief executive Faisal Kazi in a statement.