Plan sponsors work hard to engage their workforces. This series will feature case studies and employer stories about pension or benefits initiatives launched with plan members in mind. Each will feature either pension communication initiatives, wellness, plan design changes or benefits programs. The focus will be on the key challenge for plan sponsors: solution and outcome. Each action story will conclude with what success meant for the plan members.

Unlocking vaccine coverage full potential: How to maximize value for both employees and employers
Offering vaccine coverage is an important first step all employers should take, but Ajit Johal believes employers are also ideally positioned to bridge the awareness and accessibility gaps. “There’s a huge opportunity for employers, in their health and wellness plans, to go above and beyond and be proactive—and not only add coverage of vaccines, but also drive awareness and create what I like to call an ‘access pathway,’” says Johal.

Community Living Algoma targets disability with proactive case management
In 2020 and 2021, like many organizations navigating the pandemic, Community Living Algoma (CLA) in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., experienced higher than usual disability claims—especially relating to mental health. CLA also saw a resistance to returning to work among those already on short-term disability (STD) and long-term disability (LTD).