
Nadia Savva and Taylor Pidgeon

Nadia Savva and Taylor Pidgeon

MFS Investment Management

“MFS wants to be the cap market’s active manager of choice. We’re very passionate about active management and think it’s critically important, given that cap plans support the long-term wealth objectives of plan members.”

Steve Locke and Lesley Marks

Steve Locke and Lesley Marks

Mackenzie Investments

“Policymakers continue to face hard decisions as they work to tame inflation and maintain economic growth. Steve Locke and Lesley Marks share how they see the coming months playing out. Both are chief investment officers at Mackenzie, with Locke responsible for fixed income and multi-asset strategies and Marks responsible for equities.”

Ted Welter

Michael Banfield

Assistant vice-president of retirement platform development, Manulife Investment Management

“We added funds with a special focus on diversity and environmental stewardship and brought in proven global and international funds and fund managers that offer leading and unique opportunities beyond our borders.”

Ted Welter

Ted Welter

Managing Director & Chief Investment Officer, Alternative Investments, TD Greystone Asset Management

“Investing in private asset classes is complex, and it is imperative that investment managers are aligned with the long-term needs of institutional clients, especially in a dynamic market. It is a strong foundation that I believe will enable us to continue to be relevant to our clients - now and into the future.”

Rob Vanderhooft

Rob Vanderhooft

CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Greystone Managed Investments Inc.

“We believe all organizations regardless of their size, can benefit from integrating equities, bonds, private debt and private real assets within their investment programs.”

Michael Carmen

Michael Carmen

Portfolio Manager and Sector Specialist, Wellington Management

“You can get companies that have been ‘de-risked’… they’ve likely achieved escape velocity. It’s typically not a question of viability. It’s really about determining the magnitude of the opportunity.”

Blaine S. Pho

Blaine S. Pho

Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income, Greystone Managed Investments Inc. (Regina)

“We believe fixed income portfolios should add value while also balancing the equity and liquidity risk of the total investment program.”

Stephanie G. Braming

Stephanie G. Braming

Partner, Global Head of Investment Management, William Blair

“An active approach is important to understand how to allocate capital over time, to bridge the white space between sectors, to focus on what's not obvious, and to drive strong client outcomes.”

Regina Chi

Regina Chi

Vice-President and Portfolio Manager, Emerging Markets Strategies, AGF Investments Inc.

“We invest in companies that earn a rate of return above their cost of capital and that have long-term sustainable competitive advantages. When we look at a stock, we look for a company surrounded by a strong economic moat.”

Jeff Tiefenbach

Jeff Tiefenbach

Chief Investments Officer, Public Equities Greystone

“We look to minimize macroeconomic risks in order to take active risks at the stock level.”

Candace Shaw and Philip Gillin

Candace Shaw and Philip (Phil) Gillin

Sun Life Investment Management

“Private debt markets have evolved over the past few years and credit analysis has improved significantly, so private debt investors can have the assurance of high credit quality.”

Kurt Reiman

Kurt Reiman

Chief Investment Strategist, BlackRock Canada

“Emerging markets are seeing strong growth, cheap currencies, valuations at a discount, return on equity rising and earnings moving up. A lot of that has been growth in the technology sector - now the largest sector in emerging markets.”

Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson

Head of Multi-Managers Real Estate Americas, Portfolio Manager and Managing Director, UBS Asset Management

“There are queues and it may take nine to 12 months to get capital drawn down. At UBS, we've been approaching fund managers with existing stablilized real estate portfolios and working with them to create new open-end core funds.”

Shawn A. Cohen and Sarah E. Donahue

Shawn A. Cohen and Sarah E. Donahue

MFS Investment Management Canada Limited

“It's encouraging to see that target-date funds are now a top choice for the default fund… It's imperative that we have a default fund that is appropriate for investors.”

Teresa Lee

Teresa Lee

Co-CIO, Sionna Investment Managers

“The small-cap market is very inefficient, and that gives us a lot of opportunity to add value.”

Amy Price and Doug Poutasse

Amy Price and Doug Poutasse

Bentall Kennedy (U.S.) Limited Partnership

“t's relatively straightforward for Canadian institutional investors to invest in U.S. real estate, since the two countries have closely linked economies…”

Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson

Head of Multi-Managers Real Estate Americas, Portfolio Manager and Managing Director, UBS Asset Management

“That is why we created global real estate offerings specifically for Canadian investors.”

David Scandiffio and Doug MacDonald

David Scandiffio and Doug MacDonald

CIBC Asset Management

“Evolving markets and an evolving regulatory environment lead to changing client needs…our consultative approach with clients enables us to build solutions that help them achieve their investment objectives; the current environment is no exception.”

Gary Whitelaw

Gary Whitelaw

Group CEO, Bentall Kennedy

“Our mission is to continue to build a world-class real estate investment management and services firm, set apart by exceptional client service, fiduciary culture, consistently competitive performance, and global leadership in sustainability.”

Renee Arnold

Renee Arnold

Head of Business Development, Canada Aberdeen Asset Management Inc.

“We work on a team basis and follow an investment process that is clear and systematic, and everyone has a voice in the decisions. We strongly believe that the combination of experienced hands and fresh minds invigorates our thinking and leads to better performance.”

Stephen Way

Stephen Way

Senior Vice-president and Portfolio Manager, AGF Investments Inc.

“The challenge the Canadian market faces is that it’s a concentrated market with energy and materials representing a fairly large component of the benchmark, and that leads to some volatility. When you have a more balanced mix of global and Canadian stocks, over time, you’ll enhance that risk-return profile and ensure a smoother ride.”

Bradley R. Hicks and Christine Girvan

Bradley R. Hicks and Christine Girvan

MFS Investment Management Canada Limited

“Nothing is cast in stone. The pension market over the last 20 years has changed dramatically and, I venture to say, the next 20 years won’t look the same either.”

Carl S. Bang

Carl S. Bang, MBA, CFA

President, Sun Life Investment Management Inc.

“I believe that there is a fundamental change taking place in the institutional investment marketplace.”

Rajiv Jain

Rajiv Jain

Chief Investment Officer and Co-Chief Executive Officer Vontobel Asset Management, Inc.

“As a manager, I've learned how critical it is to understand how your portfolio will react if there is a crisis.”

Jennifer Gregory

Jennifer Gregory

Vice-President, Business Development, Group Savings and Retirement, Standard Life

“We talk to members about saving money along the way, instead of just retirement as the end goal.”

Kim Shannon

Kim Shannon

President & CIO, Sionna

“By being in all sectors all the time and owning the cheapest stocks, we have a less volatile return relative to the market for investors.”

Garey J.

Garey J. , CFA , MBA

Chief Investment Officer, Franklin Bissett Investment Management

“As an active manager with a distinct style playing in a pretty small sandbox — the Canadian marketplace — our objective remains to do better than the overall market.”

Sadiq S. Adatia

Sadiq S. Adatia

Chief Investment Officer, Sun Life Global Investments

“Success for me has always been connected to what's going on in markets around the world. I have a passion about investing, and when you have passion for something you're going to do it well.”