Between the less-than-favourable exchange rates on the Canadian dollar and shifting Canada-U.S. relations, many of us are rethinking our travel plans and will vacation north of the border this summer. A recent Leger poll revealed that nearly half of Canadian travellers (48%) are less likely to visit the U.S. and that 61% of these travellers intended to explore Canada instead. Others will avoid the U.S. by travelling to destinations outside of Canada.

Many Canadians believe they will be covered by our government healthcare while travelling in Canada. Yet the reality is they would only be partially covered if something were to happen—and sometimes, not at all.

Travel insurance is designed to help manage the unexpected, and as any seasoned traveller knows, travel can be fraught with missteps and mishaps in ways many don’t even think of—even in Canada. For instance, here are five unexpected ways travel insurance would come in handy when travelling in Canada this summer:

  1. You broke your ankle while hiking the coastal trail in Peggy’s Cove. Your ankle is starting to swell, and you’re not sure if a visit to a walk-in clinic is in order. With Orion Emergency Medical Insurance, you would be covered if you needed an ambulance or an airlift, and crutches or medication. Plus, if you drove to Nova Scotia and couldn’t drive home, you would be flown home, and your car would be delivered to you.
  1. Your luggage gets lost on the way to a destination family wedding. When you say “I do” to adding Orion Baggage Protection to your Orion Trip Cancellation Insurance you’re protected if your luggage goes missing. With coverage for up to $1,500 CAD for baggage and personal effects, you’d be able to purchase some wedding wear until yours is found and returned to you.
  1. Your work conference in Ottawa gets cancelled at the last minute. With Orion Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance, you would be covered for up to $5,000 CAD for prepaid, non-refundable travel expenses for that trip. You can claim reimbursement for your airline and accommodation fees—and even your spouse’s—if they were insured and travelling with you.
  1. The bag with your prescription medicine in it, didn’t make it onto the plane. Though all medicines should go in your carry-on for this reason, missteps can happen. While Canada has an excellent healthcare system, you aren’t completely covered for prescription drugs outside your home province. With Orion Travel Insurance, you could have a virtual consultation with a doctor who could then send your prescription to a nearby pharmacy for you to collect.
  1. You’re on a business trip and must return unexpectedly because someone at home gets seriously ill. In stressful situations like when a family member falls ill, it helps to have support when you need it. Orion Trip Cancellation Insurance would cover the flight change fee and help get you back home.

Nobody expects to need travel insurance. However, mishaps can happen, and savvy employers are protecting their employees by including it in their benefits packages so employees can travel with peace of mind—whether they’re travelling in Canada or are discovering the rest of the world.

With Orion Emergency Medical Insurance, employees would benefit from coverage for all medically necessary treatments to stabilize the medical emergency, and related non-medical expenses, too.  It’s also worth noting that employees under 70 don’t have to satisfy a stability clause on most of our emergency medical plans. With Orion Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance, employees would be covered for prepaid travel expenses up to $5000 and unforeseen out-of-pocket expenses if travel plans unexpectedly get derailed before departure or while travelling.

For more information about including Orion Travel Insurance in your company’s benefits program, email us at

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