Canadian Leadership Council on Drug Plan Partnerships
May 7, 2024 | Vantage Venues, Toronto
The value of private drug plans
The Canadian Leadership Council on Drug Plan Partnerships has brought together private payer thought leaders to examine the pressing challenges of Canadian private drug plans for the last 12 years. The council is known for open dialogue and collaboration around ideas and alternatives that can be recommended as valuable tools for plan sponsors and plan design considerations.
This unique invitation-only event brings together a group of industry thought leaders to discuss how they can work together to find solutions to the unique needs to Canadian private drug plans.
Amid discussion of a federal universal pharmacare program, the value of private drug plans is often overlooked. Private plans play an important role in providing benefits coverage that keeps plan members and employees healthy and productive. This event will include presentations and in-depth discussions about the importance of preserving a robust private payer market in Canada.
The Canadian Leadership Council on Drug Plan Partnerships is designed to foster dynamic group discussion with the aim of examining the challenges of Canadian private drug plans and exploring ideas and solutions for plan sponsors. This in-person think tank meeting is designed for plan advisors, brokers, consultants and group health benefits payer or insurer staff who are responsible for drug formulary management. Some restrictions on registration will apply.
Benefits Canada is a leading forum for Canadian group benefits and pension decision-makers to gather insight from industry thought leaders in the design and delivery of benefits and retirement programs for a progressive workforce. Our conferences and events provide both actionable and educational content from group benefits and finance experts on a wide range of issues.
For any event related inquiries, please contact Katerina Galkina.
For any registration related inquiries please contact Maria Rivera.
This conference will offer Institute-accredited continuing education (CE) credits. An application for CE credits will be submitted to the Institute for Advanced Financial Education. Individual CE applications are not submitted to any other regulatory body (i.e. AIC, ICM, etc.) Please contact Lolita McArthur for more information.