DC Plan Summit

October 6, 2021 | Virtual event


Redefining the role of DC plans
The novel coronavirus sent shocks throughout the market and accelerated many global trends, changing the way companies operate indefinitely. For plan sponsors and members in defined contribution plans, the pandemic renewed the urgency of these longstanding questions: What does decumulation look like in the DC context? How can sustainability objectives work alongside retirement savings goals? What do market changes mean for current investment options? How can plan sponsors support employees in saving for both the short and long term while educating members about risk tolerance? The 2021 DC Plan Summit will examine how the role of DC plans is being redefined against a backdrop of uncertainty, and how plan sponsors can remain on the front edge of change.


Who Should Attend?
The DC Plan Summit is the premier annual conference in Canada for DC leaders and influencers. The Summit’s highly interactive format focuses on sharing best practices and fostering knowledge transfer through leading-edge content and audience engagement. Interactive sessions are designed to encourage delegate participation and facilitate discussion about critical DC issues.

How Do I Attend?
Participation is by invitation only. For more information on the DC Plan Summit, please email Alison Webb, publisher of Benefits Canada for consideration.

Benefits Canada is a leading forum for Canadian group benefits and pension decision-makers to gather insight from industry thought leaders in the design and delivery of benefits and retirement programs for a progressive workforce. Our conferences and events provide both actionable and educational content from group benefits and finance experts on a wide range of issues.

MFS Investment Management


Please email Hillary Muller