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Brnic Van Wyk, head of asset liability management, Australian Retirement Trust

Brnic Van Wyk leads the development of the Australian Retirement Trust’s asset liability management framework, member data analysis, models and governance structures. The Australian Retirement Trust, previously known as QSuper, is one of the largest superannuation funds in Australia, managing approximately AUD265billion on behalf of more than 2.4 million members. Van Wyk is a member of the leadership group for the newly formed retirement division and his team is responsible for designing the cohort structure and managing investment strategies for the default accumulation MySuper product, QSuper lifetime, and the ongoing operational, actuarial and solvency management of the asset pool for the lifetime pension product.

He’s a fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and the U.S.’s Institute of Actuaries. He’s also a certified investment management analyst and serves on the IIA’s retirement incomes working group. He’s a board member of the pension benefits and social security section of the International Actuarial Association, the CIMA Society of Australia and the international advisory board of France’s EDHEC-Risk Institute.