DCIF 2024

Defined Contribution Investment Forum

Oct. 3, 2024 | Omni King Edward Hotel, Toronto

October 3, 2024

Agenda at a glance (approximate timing):

8:00 – 9:00 AM: Breakfast

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Sessions

12:00 – 1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 – 3:00 PM: Sessions

3:00 – 4:00 PM: Closing networking cocktail reception

Confirmed sessions:

How the ‘boomer bulge’ is impacting private, public pension policy

The failure of previous federal governments to devise revenue plans that support healthy retirements for baby boomers now threatens younger Canadians, who struggle with rent and home ownership costs that have outpaced their earnings. These workers have little left over to contribute to their retirement savings and count on DC pension plan sponsors to make excellent decisions — when they’re lucky enough to be in jobs that offer these plans. This session will explore the historical policy decisions that have led to this point as well as possible solutions to improve younger workers’ retirement prospects.


Paul Kershaw, founder, Generation Squeeze and policy professor, University of British Columbia

Three tips for evaluating a target-date solution

Navigating today’s retirement landscape to meet the diverse needs of Canadian members is complicated. This session will explore three actionable steps in the target-date assessment process, marrying the nuances of Canadian DC plan demographics and investment strategy towards better retirement outcomes.


Wyatt Lee, portfolio manager and head of target-date strategies, T. Rowe Price

Exploring Canadian investor trends and their impacts on strategic investment design

Retirement outcomes for defined contribution plan members are driven by plan design, member behaviour and investment returns earned over decades. This session will review recent trends across several investor attributes, expanding the conversation to highlight ways this data can influence the investment design process for a target-date fund.


Jon Knowles, institutional portfolio manager in global asset allocation, Fidelity Investments

Plan sponsor panel – details to come


Debra Hall, director, total rewards and HR operations, Enercare

Rob Jackett, senior director, finance and administration, Canadian Baptist Ministries and Canadian Baptist Pension and Benefits

Rana Kassab, director, people, rewards and recognition, Hoffmann-La Roche Limited

More sessions to be announced soon.


Contact Francesca Allman or  Robert Martins about availability.


Please email Jada Lowe