Delaney Greigdirector, investor stewardship, University Pension Plan

Delaney Greig is a director of investor stewardship at the University Pension Plan. She supports public policy advocacy and leads the UPP’s engagement and proxy voting with a focus on advancing the health of the financial, environmental and social systems on which capital markets rely. In her previous role as director of sustainable investing at Addenda Capital, Greig worked across stewardship, environmental, social and governance integration and product development. She also led the corporate engagement team at the Shareholder Association for Research and Education.

A lawyer by training, Greig has experience in environmental and Indigenous law and policy. She holds a bachelor of civil law and juris doctor from McGill University, a master of arts in political economy from the University of Toronto and a bachelor of arts in international development (economics) from the University of Guelph. Grieg is the co-chair of the Responsible Investment Association Policy Stewardship Group, vice-chair of the Technical Committee of Climate Engagement Canada and a member of the Board of Ontario Living Wage Network.