
Each issue of Benefits Canada contains a regular column called Trailblazers, which shines a spotlight on pension fund executives. In addition to featuring a revealing closer look at the subject of the profile, the article also has details involving the pension fund. Get a more intimate look at leading pension fund executives and learn more about their work. You can read all the profiles below.

Asserting pension independence the prairie way

Colyn Lowenberger
President and CEO
Möbius Benefit Administrators

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How InBenefits is aiming to prove the potential of target-benefit pensions

Alain Malaket
Chief executive officer

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Via RailCanada restructuring fixed income allocations in response to challenging markets

François Quinty
Director of investment management
Via Rail Canada

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How the CMPA looks at investments through a total portfolio lens

Josée Mondoux
Chief investment officer

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A look at the Calgary Foundation’s creative approach to impact investing

Lauren Frosst
Director of investments
The Calgary Foundation

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How SEIU Healthcare is making retirement planning accessible for members

Tyler Downey
Secretary treasurer of SEIU Healthcare
Chair of the board of directors of My65+

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A look at HOOPP’s move into alternatives and growing its in-house investing expertise

Michael Wissell
Chief investment officer

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A look at the pension plan of the United Church of Canada’s efforts to be a good shepherd of capital

Derek Hurst
Pension Plan of the United Church of Canada

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Bruce Power using asset-liability studies, rebalancing to protect pension fund

Simon Fréchet
Chief investment officer, retirement programs
Bruce Power

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