Alberta Investment Management Corp. (AIMCo) earned a 12.5% net rate of return in 2013.
Investment income in excess of $8.3 billion was generated, pushing assets under management up to $74.7 billion.
Since 2008, the organization has delivered on its mandate, earning a five-year annualized net return of 8.8% and approximately $3 billion in value added.
AIMCo reported a 14% net rate of return on behalf of its balanced fund clients, which represent $63.2 billion of assets under management. And its government and specialty fund clients, which represent $11.5 billion of assets under management, earned a net return of 4%.
Public market investments, comprising $25.5 billion in money market and fixed income and $32 billion in public equities, significantly outperformed their market benchmarks, as did mortgages and private debt. Private investments in real estate and timberlands also contributed to the strong performance.
AIMCo will release a detailed performance information annual report, which is set to be released in June.
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