The Alberta division of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) says the province’s Finance Minister Ted Morton should listen to the views of Albertans and support an expansion of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

Dennis Mol, president of the Alberta Division of CUPE, called on Morton to support a proposal to expand the public pension plan as a way to combat poverty among seniors.

“Relying on private pension plans and RRSPs doesn’t work,” says Mol. “Half of all seniors are living below the poverty line. An expansion of CPP would improve the retirement benefits for 93% of all Canadians.”

Mol pointed out that opinion research conducted by his union showed two-thirds of Albertans support an increase.

“The stubborn refusal on the part of the Stelmach Conservatives to follow the wishes of Albertans is just another example of why this government needs to go,” said Mol. “Their opposition to better pensions is forcing more seniors to live in poverty.”