While Canada’s rate of employee engagement is in line with the global average of 21 per cent, it remains lower than the U.S. (35 per cent), according to a new survey by Gallup Inc.
Among Canadian employee respondents, 63 per cent were likely to describe themselves as thriving compared to a global average of 33 per cent. However, more Canadians reported daily stress (55 per cent versus 44 per cent) and daily worry (45 per cent versus 40 per cent) compared to all global respondents. Almost a quarter (23 per cent) of all respondents said they experience daily sadness, while 19 per cent of Canadians and 21 per cent of all respondents said they experience daily anger.
Read: Employee recognition has larger impact on engagement, productivity than salary: survey
However, the survey noted North America remains the top global region to be an employee, ranking it No. 1 for employee engagement and job opportunities and No. 2 for employee well-being and comfortable living, behind Australia and New Zealand.
“Business units with engaged workers have 23 per cent higher profit compared with business units with miserable workers,” said Jon Clifton, chief executive officer of Gallup, in a press release. “Additionally, teams with thriving workers see significantly lower absenteeism, turnover and accidents. They also see higher customer loyalty. The point is: well-being at work isn’t at odds with anyone’s agenda.”
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