Canadian employers expect a modest hiring pace over the next three months, according to a new survey by ManpowerGroup Canada.

The survey, which polled more than 1,200 employers across Canada, found 12 per cent of respondents said they plan to increase their staffing levels in the fourth quarter of 2020, while nine per cent said they anticipate cutbacks. Meanwhile, 73 per cent said they expect their current staffing levels to remain unchanged, while the remaining six per cent are unsure of their hiring intentions.

Employers in the public administration sector reported the strongest job prospects. Looking at regions, Ontario forecasted the strongest outlook.

Read: Employers using hiring, wage freezes to combat effects of coronavirus: survey

“While Canadian employer hiring intentions remain modest, there has been a great improvement in the outlook for Q4 when compared to the previous quarter,” said Darlene Minatel, country manager of ManpowerGroup Canada, in a press release. “A real benefit for job seekers is that eight of the 10 industry sectors are expecting to add workers in the upcoming quarter with the exceptions being the education and mining sectors.

“With three of the four regions of the country having positive employment outlooks for Q4, employment prospects for job seekers appear to be on the upswing.”