Canadians don’t want super longevity

Despite medical advances that make extreme longevity possible, Canadian seniors don’t see much value in living to 120 mainly due to health concerns, according to a new CARP poll.

Conducted a few days ago, the survey shows that the average CARP member wants to live to age 94. Less than 10% of respondents, whose average age is 70, want to live to 120.

The most common concern about living to 120, expressed by 52% of participants, is health. This is followed distantly by a concern about retirement savings (11%).

If they had 20 more years of good health and adequate retirement savings, most CARP members would spend their extra time doing what they do now (38%), travelling (24%), volunteering (13%) and spending time with kids and grandkids (12%), according to the poll.

“Science holds out the promise of extreme longevity, but CARP members have a more level-headed reaction—they worry about staying healthy and the societal effects,” says Susan Eng, vice-president for advocacy at CARP.

The survey polled more than 2,000 CARP members.

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