Canadians more confident, open to risk

Canadians are more confident in their investing personalities and are willing to take on more risk, says latest research from Franklin Templeton Investments.

The January 2013 survey found that 82% of investors identify themselves as having a specific investment personality, up from 68% in 2009 and 14% of investors now consider themselves risk-takers. This is up from a relatively steady eight per cent in the past four years.

“Canadian investors are becoming more confident and open to taking risks than at any time since Franklin Templeton started its investor personality research in 2009,” said Don Reed, president and CEO of Franklin Templeton Investments Corp.

Here are some other interesting findings from the survey.

  • 47% of men identify themselves as opportunistic, risk-taking or analytical compared to  35% of women.
  • The highest number of risk takers are in Alberta with 20% defining themselves as such. Only 13% of Ontarians and Quebeckers said the same thing.
  • People are less worried about running out of money in retirement once they are 55 or older (34%) compared to those aged 35 to 54 (53%) and 18 to 34 (56%).