Canadians most satisfied with jobs

Nearly two-thirds of Canadian workers love or like their job a lot, according to a survey.

Compared to international results, the survey revealed that Canadian workers are the most satisfied labour force.

When asked which of the following best describes how much you love your current job, respondents answered as follows:

  • 24% love it and would do it for free;
  • 40% like it a lot and enjoy what they do, but they could like it more;
  • 29% like it well enough for now;
  • 5% don’t like it and think they could do better; and
  • 2% hate it, but it is a necessary evil.

Canada’s younger workers are most likely to be unhappy at work, with 13% of workers under the age of 25 confessing that they dislike their jobs.

“Young Canadians are ambitious and eager to succeed, so it’s not surprising that a significant proportion of them are feeling frustrated in their current jobs and think they can do better,” says Sheryl Boswell, director of marketing at

The survey also looked at how income affects job satisfaction and revealed that the highest paid Canadian workers are the most content with their employment.

Seventy percent of those in the higher income bracket said they love or like their jobs a lot. The number of medium earners was significantly less, with 55% feeling content at work. Low earners were the least happy, with 44% saying they love or like their jobs a lot.

The worldwide study results show that Canadians are the most likely nation to say they either love their jobs or like them a lot. According to the survey, the Netherlands was the next happiest nation at work, with 57% saying they either love or like their employment, followed by India (55%), the United States (53%), the United Kingdom (46%), France (43%) and Germany (34%).

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