Chief actuary seeks external peer review panel for CPP actuarial report

The Office of the Chief Actuary is commissioning an external peer review of its next actuarial report on the Canada Pension Plan, expected to be released in December 2013.

The external peer review is intended to ensure that the actuarial reports meet high professional standards and are based on reasonable assumptions in order to provide sound actuarial advice. The review will be conducted by persons enrolled with the Canadian Institute of Actuaries.

“First introduced in 1999, external peer reviews have generated a number of valuable recommendations,” says Jean-Claude Ménard, Canada’s chief actuary.

“We review and analyze each recommendation and have incorporated many of them to improve the quality and transparency of our actuarial reports,” he adds. “We look forward to the next review to further build on this successful process.”

The United Kingdom Government Actuary Department, recognized for its expertise in the field of social security, will select the members of the peer review panel through an open process. And it will provide an independent opinion of the review.

Application forms are available on the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions’ website and must be submitted by July 15.