The Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute’s board of directors has chosen David Kapeluck to be the first recipient of its National Volunteer of the Year Award.

He has been involved with the organization for nearly two decades in a number of roles, such as chair, program chair, treasurer, and secretary for the CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Council. The Saskatoon native was also the Saskatchewan representative on the CPBI board of directors between 1992 and 1994.

“The members of CPBI who served with him on the regional council consider him a mentor, a strong advocate for the CPBI, and a dynamic volunteer,” says the CPBI’s chief executive officer, Iris Almeida-Côté. “His simplicity, his enthusiasm and his dedication to realising the vision, values, mission and strategic objectives of CPBI is what we celebrate with pride.”

Kapeluck is the manager, member services at the Co-operative Superannuation Society Pension Plan. He joined the plan in 1988 after a three-and-a-half year stint at Bank of Montreal.

His award will be presented to him during a special ceremony at next week’s CPBI Forum 2008 in Toronto. Awards will also be presented to a number of regional volunteers. The regional volunteer winners are: Wendy Brodkin (Ontario Region); Ryan Johnson (Atlantic Region); Gale Feindel (Manitoba Region); Narinder Kempa (Saskatchewan Region); Tony Martin (Northern Alberta Region); Larry Findlay (Southern Alberta Region); and Anthony E. May (Pacific Region).

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