Finding key talent a challenge for Canadian firms

Despite an unemployment rate that sat at 7.6% nationwide as of April, many Canadian employers are finding it challenging to fill key positions in their organizations, according to a new survey from Right Management.

According to the survey of more than 3,000 Canadian firms, 20% of employers say they often find it hard to fill key positions, while another 50% indicate they occasionally do.

“HR professionals know that recruiting and securing the right talent for key positions is a demanding process, regardless of whether the job market is weak or strong,” said Bram Lowsky, general manager of Right Management. “Top talent remains hard to find, and organizations need to have a clear picture of the competencies required and the success profile for positions they are hiring for. Without this clear focus, as well as a fast-track on-boarding plan, organizations risk losing greater productivity and performance—especially from new leaders being hired into the firm.”

Lowsky says organizations need to develop a clear succession-planning system to ensure rapid replacement of key roles, as well as to facilitate the progression of existing talent through the organization.