Healthy Outcomes: Taking action to achieve better health outcomesBy: Moira PotterSeptember 5, 2017 September 13, 201908:50 Share Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Mail to a fried Print Moira PotterAt Benefits Canada’s 2017 Healthy Outcomes conference in June, insurers, providers and plan sponsors discussed how to promote healthy behaviours and reduce chronic disease while also containing costs.Read on for coverage of the 2017 Health Outcomes conference: Prediabetes among biggest concerns for employee healthLow-intensity cognitive behavioural therapy touted as alternative to address depressionSetting the standard for mental healthHelping employers navigate next deluge of rising drug costsA look at chronic disease among younger CanadiansEmployer panel says partnerships key to achieving a healthier workforceWorkshop discussions: Linking drug plans to employee healthFind out about more Benefits Canada’s eventsGet a PDF of the Healthy Outcomes conference coverage.