
The vast majority (91 per cent) of Canadian human resources leaders say they use hybrid work to recruit new talent, with 81 per cent saying it’s a “very to extremely effective” recruiting tool, according to a new survey by IWG.

The survey, which polled more than 250 Canadian HR leaders, found prior to 2020, only 22 per cent of companies offered hybrid working arrangements, a percentage that increased to 72 per cent amid the coronavirus pandemic. As a result of hybrid working, respondents said they’ve witnessed improvements in employee satisfaction (67 per cent), work-life balance (63 per cent) and mental health (50 per cent).

Read: 85% of Canadian workers interested in hybrid or fully remote positions: survey

Nearly all (99 per cent) respondents agreed a flexible environment leads to happier, more loyal employees, while 95 per cent said hybrid work leads to a more productive and healthier — both mentally and physically — workforce.

The majority (87 per cent) of HR leaders said there’s a direct correlation between productivity, wellness and the number of days spent in a physical office. Just 11 per cent said employees should spend five full days in an office.

“Over the past few years, HR professionals have come to view the hybrid work model as both a powerful tool for recruiting talent and a necessary measure for keeping talent happy and productive,” said Wayne Berger, chief executive officer of IWG Americas, in a press release. “Not only is today’s workforce demanding flexible work arrangements from employers, but a growing number of companies are recognizing the wide-reaching benefits of hybrid working — for their employees and for themselves.”

Read: Hybrid work, four-day workweek shaping employee well-being: expert