More employees waste time at work

More employees are wasting time instead of working.

According to’s 2014 Wasting Time at Work Survey, 89% of people say they waste time at work every day—up from last year’s level of 69%.

Nearly one-third (62%) waste about 30 to 60 minutes daily, while 26% waste about two to five hours a day.

The biggest culprit is Google with 24%, followed by Facebook (23%), LinkedIn (14%), Yahoo (7%), Amazon (2%), YouTube (2%), ESPN (2%) as well as Pinterest, Twitter and Craigslist, which each received 1%.

Fifty-three percent of employees waste time because they think short breaks increase productivity. Other reasons for wasting time include boredom (20%), lack of incentive (8%), being unsatisfied with their job (7%) and not getting enough pay (2%).

Tuesday mornings are the most productive time of the week, while Friday afternoons are the least productive. Forty-four percent waste more time on Fridays, with 22% saying they waste the most amount of time between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Some employers have tried to block sites that aren’t necessary for work, but that’s down to 27% from 30% last year. However, 56% of workers would use their smartphone or tablet if they couldn’t use their work computer.

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