Most employees plan to look for a new job

A vast majority of North American employees plan to pursue new job opportunities in 2014, according to a poll.

Eighty-three percent of the nearly 900 workers who participated in the Right Management online poll say they intend to actively seek a new position in the new year.

“Engagement, loyalty and job satisfaction should be top concerns for employers that want to keep their best talent,” says Scott Ahlstrand, the company’s global practice leader for employee engagement. “High employee dissatisfaction has a ripple effect that can hurt the bottom line, disrupt productivity and damage morale.”

According to the poll, only 5% of employees intend to stay in their current position, while 9% indicate they may look for new opportunities in 2014 and are networking. The latest findings are consistent with results from the last four years.

“These numbers should signal a wake-up call for top management, when four out of five employees say they intend to look for employment elsewhere,” he adds. “Employers must act now to engage top talent and prevent them from leaving for the competition.”

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