Paul Haggis, president and chief executive of OMERS, will be leaving later this year.

“When I was hired, my job was to set OMERS on the right path, build its investment presence globally and deliver strong results,” Haggis says. “We’ve accomplished those goals so now it’s time for change.”

He says the plan’s new governance model has changed the nature of his job and the new CEO will spend more time on the transition to the new governance model and implementing new supplemental pension plans.

David Kingston, chair of the OMERS board, tells Benefits Canada that Haggis will be leaving some time in the middle of the year and a search for a new president and CEO has not yet begun.

Prior to joining OMERS in 2003, Haggis was president and chief executive officer of Edmonton-based Princeton Developments Ltd. and a director in Edmonton for the Public Sector Pension Investment Board.

He started off his career as a banker, spending nine years in corporate banking and then moving to Metropolitan Life as vice-president and treasurer in 1988. He left the company in 1995 to become president and chief executive officer for Alberta Treasury Branches, a role he held for five years.

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