Peer review panel for CPP actuarial report named

The Office of the Chief Actuary (OCA) has announced the establishment of a panel of actuaries to review the 26th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

The panel members are all fellows of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA).

The panellists are Robert L. Brown, who is the current president-elect of the International Actuarial Association; Mark W. Campbell, a former member of the CIA Actuarial Standards Board; and Thomas D. Levy, a current member of the U.S. Actuarial Standards Board and former vice-chair of the CIA’s practice standards council.

Each panel member has extensive experience in pension plan actuarial valuation and is a previous reviewer of the CPP actuarial report. Brown will serve as chair of the panel.

To ensure impartiality and to enhance the credibility of the peer review process, the globally recognized social security experts at the U.K. Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) have selected the panel members and will also provide an independent opinion on the work done by the reviewers.

“The independent peer reviews of actuarial reports on the Canada Pension Plan have proven to be an authoritative reference for the quality of work conducted and help to promote Canadians’ confidence in the valuation of this important program,” says Canada’s Chief Actuary, Jean-Claude Ménard. “All of the panel reviewers are of the highest calibre, and I look forward to the results of their work.”

The tabling of the actuarial report on the CPP is expected to take place before the end of the year.

After the report is tabled, the panel will have three months to perform its review and prepare a report.

Once GAD has issued its opinion, the review panel’s report and GAD’s opinion will be made public.

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