Rayne Capital adds senior partners to manage energy mandate

Rayne Capital Management Inc. has appointed two senior partners to its executive and portfolio management team.

Mitchell Molloy will join as managing partner and David Szybunka will become lead portfolio manager for Rayne Energy LP. Both will oversee the Rayne Energy LP mandate, a long/short absolute return-focused strategy that leverages the firm’s local presence in the Canadian oil and gas sector.

“We are very pleased to have both Mitch and David joining the team as we move forward with the next stage of growth and opportunity at Rayne Capital,” said Rob McFarlane, president of Rayne Capital. “Mitch and David bring with them great industry relationships, from boards and senior executive leadership to various technical teams within oil and natural gas focused companies, as well as a solid boots-on-the-ground presence within Calgary.”

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Molloy spent the previous 18 years at Peters & Co. Ltd., an energy-focused boutique investment bank, where he was most recently managing director of equity trading. Szybunka spent six years building and assisting in the management of energy-focused funds at Canoe Financial LP.

“The combination of Mitch and David managing the energy mandate and our four-person team managing the diversified mandate provides investors a unique and strategic portfolio that prioritizes an attractive return profile in conjunction with capital preservation strategies,” said James Anderson, portfolio manager of the firm’s diversified portfolio mandate.

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