Survey: Support staff undervalued

Administrative support staff may not be getting the acknowledgment it deserves, according to a new survey from staffing firm OfficeTeam. One-third (33%) of senior managers interviewed said administrative professionals don’t receive enough recognition on a regular basis. Thirty-six percent of respondents also noted that their companies do not show appreciation of support staff during Administrative Professionals Week, April 24–30.

“Although it may be common to invite support staff to lunch or bring them flowers or a gift card for Administrative Professionals Day, it’s important to find out what forms of acknowledgment they value most,” said OfficeTeam executive director Robert Hosking. “Workers also appreciate rewards such as public praise, company-sponsored professional memberships and registration to conferences or seminars.”

“Support professionals are often the glue that holds companies together, and they’re doing more than ever to help address business needs,” said Mary Ramsay-Drow, international president of the International Association of Administrative Professionals.

The survey was developed by OfficeTeam and conducted by an independent research firm. The firm interviewed approximately 300 Canadian senior managers at companies with 20 or more employees.