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With many employers taking steps to support their employees’ emotional, financial and physical health during the coronavirus pandemic, the top benefits stories on BenefitsCanada.com in 2021 highlighted some of these innovative initiatives, including among the finalists and winners of this year’s Workplace Benefits Awards. Twitter’s monthly #DaysofRest initiative helping prevent employee burnout amid pandemic RBC […]

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A new report by the Ontario government’s advisory committee on the future of work is recommending the introduction of a new portable benefits program. The Ontario Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee, which delivered its interim report this summer, set out 21 recommendations, including supporting workers who fall outside the purview of traditional benefits programs. The report […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 10, 2021 December 9, 2021
  • 09:00

Though the idea was coined by English philosopher Thomas More in his novel Utopia in 1516, several countries — including Canada — are considering how it would work in practice today Liam Wilkinson, public relations strategist at UBI Works The pandemic has laid bare economic trends that have been ignored for far too long. Canadians […]

As Canadians head to the polls today, Benefits Canada takes a look at how the federal parties’ campaign promises could impact the human resources, benefits and pension industries. Read: Conservatives, NDP pension promises include super-priority for members The Conservative Party is proposing a plan that would put pension plan members first when the company sponsoring […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 20, 2021 September 17, 2021
  • 09:00

Canadian insurers paid out more than $97 billion in benefits from life and health insurance products in 2020, according to the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association’s annual fact book. The period, which included the first nine months of the coronavirus pandemic, included $420 million paid out for psychology-related claims to support mental health, up 24 […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 15, 2021 September 15, 2021
  • 09:00

If elected, the Conservative Party is promising it will encourage employers to add mental-health coverage to their benefits plans by offering a tax credit for 25 per cent of the cost of this additional coverage for the first three years. Meanwhile, the Liberal Party is promising Canadians increased access to free mental-health services through a new […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 2, 2021 September 2, 2021
  • 09:00

Paid sick days has been a hot topic throughout the coronavirus pandemic and political leaders are pitching their solutions in the lead-up to the federal election next month. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau promised 10 sick days for federally regulated employees while out on the campaign trail last week. Read: Liberals promising 10 sick days for federally regulated employees […]

With Canada’s public and private drug market an ever-evolving landscape, what value can be gained from collaboration and innovative solutions to ensure patient access to new medicines and vaccines in the future? During Innovative Medicines Canada’s virtual policy summit in June, Declan Hamill, vice-president of policy, regulatory and legal affairs, said the organization appreciates the […]

Many employees may be dreaming of a carefree retirement following many years in the trenches — but they’ll likely have to keep dreaming if they don’t have first-rate, post-retirement health and dental insurance coverage. Many employers provide supplemental health insurance (drug, dental, extended health and out-of-country medical) as part of comprehensive packages of employee benefits, […]

For the third time in a row, the federal government is delaying long-awaited changes to Canada’s drug pricing regime for a further six months. In an effort to give pharmaceutical companies more time to prepare for the impending changes, Health Minister Patty Hajdu announced Tuesday the regulations changing how the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board […]