Ontario seeks feedback on PRPPs

The Ontario Ministry of Finance has released a discussion paper on pooled registered pension plans (PRPPs).

To guide the conversation on Ontario’s PRPP policy, the paper provides background information on the federal model and sets out discussion questions on specific parameters of a possible PRPP framework for Ontario.

Some of the discussion questions include:

  • Would it be beneficial to broaden eligibility to allow anyone in Ontario with unused RRSP room to participate, regardless of their employment status?
  • Should Ontario’s PRPP framework require employers to participate? If yes, should there be any exceptions?
  • Which approach to contribution rates would better serve Ontarians?
  • What is the best approach to contribution rates in the event that the PRPP framework required mandatory employee participation?

The paper is available on the government’s website.

Submissions must be received by Jan. 20, 2014.

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