Latest news in Capital accumulation plans

Pension model of future must find common ground between DB, DC: report

Pension model of future must find common ground between DB, DC: report

The Canadian pension industry must go beyond the defined benefit versus defined contribution debate and focus on the model of the future, according to a…

  • By: Staff
  • May 24, 2019 September 19, 2019
  • 09:00
Pension industry welcomes clarity around electronic communications

Pension industry welcomes clarity around electronic communications

Plan administrators are welcoming the increased clarity accompanying the amendment of Ontario’s Pension Benefits Act to allow for the electronic designation of beneficiaries and the re-issue…

Sounding Board: How will Canadians stretch their retirement savings to age 100?

Sounding Board: How will Canadians stretch their retirement savings to age 100?

I was lucky enough to know my great-grandmother. I remember her living to the age of 94 — “incredible,” my family would say. But not…

One-third of employees don’t expect to fully retire: survey

One-third of employees don’t expect to fully retire: survey

A third of employees don’t expect to ever reach full retirement, according to a new survey by Aon. The survey, which polled 1,000 Canadians at all stages of…

  • By: Staff
  • May 7, 2019 September 19, 2019
  • 09:30
A look at the ‘big rock’ decisions for DC plan sponsors

A look at the ‘big rock’ decisions for DC plan sponsors

When it comes to defined contribution pension plans, some “big rock” decisions for plan sponsors will have the most impact on member outcomes, while other…

Improving employees’ financial wellness in fourth industrial revolution

When the World Economic Forum met this year in Davos, Switzerland, it chose a very timely topic: the fourth industrial revolution that’s about to be wrought by automation.…

  • April 30, 2019 November 30, 2020
  • 08:30
Exploring the active nature of target-date funds

Exploring the active nature of target-date funds

Looks aren’t a solid basis on which to form a long-term relationship and neither is the surface-level appearance of a target-date fund. “In a perfect…

Decumulation, cyber security among initiatives in CAPSA’s latest strategic plan

Decumulation, cyber security among initiatives in CAPSA’s latest strategic plan

The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities has outlined its priorities for April 2019 to March 2022 in its new strategic plan, which included initiatives…

As DC pension plans come of age, enrolment is key

As DC pension plans come of age, enrolment is key

While the process has been slow to date, it’s clear the migration to defined contribution pension plans will continue in Canada. Defined benefit assets comprised about 47…

Replacement income for CAPs hits lowest levels since 2011: report

Replacement income for CAPs hits lowest levels since 2011: report

The fourth quarter of 2018 saw the largest decline since 2011 in a retiring member’s ability to create a secure retirement income, according to a report…

  • By: Staff
  • April 22, 2019 September 19, 2019
  • 15:30
Financial wellness programs must go beyond education: survey

Financial wellness programs must go beyond education: survey

While educational content is a key component of financial wellness programs, they must also be measurable and embrace technology to help defined contribution plan members move…

  • By: Staff
  • April 22, 2019 September 19, 2019
  • 09:00

How default investment funds are becoming smarter

With the industry focused on retirement readiness and more defined contribution plan members on glide paths, it’s increasingly important for plan sponsors to choose default…

2019 Workplace Benefits Awards now open for entries

Does your organization’s mental health or diversity program deserve recognition? Are you leading the way when it comes to drug and benefits plan innovation? Is…

Coronavirus crisis accelerating virtual health care, focus on mental health

How default investment funds are becoming smarter

With the industry focused on retirement readiness and more defined contribution plan members on glide paths, it’s increasingly important for plan sponsors to choose default…

2019 DC Plan Summit: Embracing change

2019 DC Plan Summit: Embracing change

During a packed schedule at Benefits Canada’s 2019 Defined Contribution Plan Summit in Banff, Alta., on Feb. 6-8, DC plan sponsors heard about the solutions…

Using behavioural insights to tackle the integrity conundrum

Using behavioural insights to tackle the integrity conundrum

What makes people dishonest? And how can employers understand employees’ decision-making processes to curb dishonest actions? People are good at being creative and rationalizing why…

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • April 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:50
Personalization key to younger DC plan member engagement

Personalization key to younger DC plan member engagement

As millennials look to their employers to integrate their career, education and leisure, this creates challenges for the pension industry, said Erica Hall, assistant vice-president…

How DC plans can make the best of worst-case situations

How DC plans can make the best of worst-case situations

In a challenging market environment, it’s important to focus on making the most of worst-case scenarios, said Ed Studd, solutions manager for U.S. portfolio solutions…

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • April 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:48
Redefining the traditional retirement journey

Redefining the traditional retirement journey

When it comes to retirement, it’s key to focus on the journey, not just getting there, said Jean-Pascal Plamondon, national director of client relationship and…

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • April 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:47
DC pension industry must shift focus to adequate retirement income

DC pension industry must shift focus to adequate retirement income

While a lot of attention has been paid to “the front end of pension plans,” there hasn’t been enough focus on how that translates into…

Plan sponsor panel: Customizing plan design, communication key for DC members

Plan sponsor panel: Customizing plan design, communication key for DC members

In determining which savings options to offer employees, a key component is understanding the workforce and its goals, as well as communicating the offering in…

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • April 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:45
Investing through the DC plan member lens

Investing through the DC plan member lens

While user experience is a major focus in the technology world, it’s time to start looking at retirement from the end-user experience as well, said…

  • By: Yaelle Gang
  • April 12, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:44
DC plan member actions affected by volatility

DC plan member actions affected by volatility

In the face of a challenging capital market and its subsequent volatility, defined contribution plan sponsors must consider the affect on plan member behaviour, said Colin…

Engaging millennials in retirement requires different solutions

Engaging millennials in retirement requires different solutions

With different generations in the workplace requiring personalized approaches, the pension industry is reimagining traditional savings plans, said Brady Aarssen, assistant vice-president of business development…

Strategic DC plan design driving right result

Strategic DC plan design driving right result

While the pension industry has traditionally spent a lot of time focusing on active management and its impact, the right result is driven by strategic…