Latest news in Capital accumulation plans

Pension industry challenged to deliver plans with DB features prized by Canadians

Pension industry challenged to deliver plans with DB features prized by Canadians

There’s little doubt that working Canadians want a secure source of retirement income. The challenge for the pension industry is how to deliver the desired…

  • July 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 17:00
A look at how KPMG educates employees on pensions, investments

A look at how KPMG educates employees on pensions, investments

KPMG LLP has run its first series of retirement education sessions through in-person workshops, one-on-one meetings and a version on Skype for employees at its…

New target-date funds to focus members on retirement income goal

New target-date funds to focus members on retirement income goal

Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada is introducing what it says is a “great bridge to decumulation” by launching new target-date funds that focus defined contribution pension…

  • By: Staff
  • July 5, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 15:09
New CAPSA reviews to look at decumulation, missing members

New CAPSA reviews to look at decumulation, missing members

The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities is conducting a number of reviews this summer, looking into retirement projections and decumulation options for defined contribution…

Target-date funds don’t serve employees well: study

Target-date funds don’t serve employees well: study

Most target-date funds aren’t serving employees well, argues a paper published earlier this month in the Social Science Research Network.  While target-date funds are an easy…

  • By: Staff
  • June 19, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
Woman’s DB dilemma a reminder of importance of clear communications

Woman’s DB dilemma a reminder of importance of clear communications

It’s never easy telling employees their pension benefits are getting worse, whether that’s because of a merger, a sale or simply a cost-savings measure. But when…

Sounding Board: Modern defined benefit plans combine the best of DB and DC pensions

Sounding Board: Modern defined benefit plans combine the best of DB and DC pensions

Modern defined benefit pension plans provide the retirement income security Canadians want with the stable and predictable costs that employers desire. And, with recent changes,…

90% of Canadians would pay more for predictable retirement income: survey

90% of Canadians would pay more for predictable retirement income: survey

Ninety per cent of Canadians would be willing to contribute more to a pension to ensure they have a predictable income at retirement, according to…

  • By: Staff
  • May 17, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
Average CAP income replacement level remains steady in Q1: report

Average CAP income replacement level remains steady in Q1: report

The gross income replacement level of capital accumulation plans has remained steady for both males and females over the previous quarter, while increasing investment returns…

  • By: Staff
  • May 15, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:38
Bridging the pension gender gap

Bridging the pension gender gap

Girls are “made of sugar and spice and everything nice — and gunpowder and Cubans and bourbon, no ice.” So sang Columbia Business School students…

Ontario budget touts variable benefits from DC pension plans

Ontario budget touts variable benefits from DC pension plans

The Ontario government is moving to allow for variable benefits from defined contribution pension plans, according to the 2017 budget tabled yesterday. “I think it’s…

  • By: Jann Lee
  • April 28, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 10:48
DC plan sponsors driven by member retirement goals and litigation risk: survey

DC plan sponsors driven by member retirement goals and litigation risk: survey

Meeting plan members’ retirement goals (29 per cent) and managing litigation risk (25 per cent) are the top factors driving defined contribution pension plan sponsor…

  • By: Staff
  • April 19, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:20
Member experience the new pension plan design for younger generations

Member experience the new pension plan design for younger generations

We’re living in a society with a new generation of employees who also happen to be digital natives. Generation-Y and millennials learn, act and understand…

Editorial: Time for action on the pension puzzle

Editorial: Time for action on the pension puzzle

When it comes to addressing the many challenges facing pension and benefits plans, we already know many of the solutions. Taking action on them, however,…

  • By: Glenn Kauth
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
How are different countries tackling decumulation?

How are different countries tackling decumulation?

The Public Employees Benefits Agency, which administers the pension plan for public sector employees in Saskatchewan, has been looking at how to support members around…

  • By: Jann Lee
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:57
DC industry focused on ‘the wrong metric’

DC industry focused on ‘the wrong metric’

Unlike the promise by defined benefit plans of a stream of income during retirement, their defined contribution counterparts focus more on the accumulation of assets.…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:53
DC Plan Summit: DC plans coming of age

DC Plan Summit: DC plans coming of age

Defined contribution pension plans in Canada are maturing quickly and becoming more sophisticated. Contributions and plan assets continue to grow, investment options are evolving and…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:51
DC Plan Summit: ATB focuses on flexibility in pension redesign

DC Plan Summit: ATB focuses on flexibility in pension redesign

The pension and benefits industry often talks about flexibility and customization of plans, but how many companies are actually changing their offerings to introduce those…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:50
DC Plan Summit: Optimizing the member’s journey to retirement

DC Plan Summit: Optimizing the member’s journey to retirement

While many defined contribution pension plan members have similar objectives around retirement readiness, each person’s journey to reach the goal will be different. During his…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:49
DC Plan Summit: Dynamic investment strategies to ensure no one left behind

DC Plan Summit: Dynamic investment strategies to ensure no one left behind

To leave no one behind, defined contribution pension plans must adapt and innovate. That’s the message delivered by Daniel Morris, portfolio solutions manager with Schroder…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:48
DC Plan Summit: The impact of low-volatility equities on DC behavioural biases

DC Plan Summit: The impact of low-volatility equities on DC behavioural biases

Behavioural economic biases, particularly among younger and older defined contribution pension plan members, may influence their investment choices and put retirement outcomes at risk, participants…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:47
DC Plan Summit: Plan sponsors share unique approaches to encouraging successful retirement

DC Plan Summit: Plan sponsors share unique approaches to encouraging successful retirement

At Benefits Canada’s 2017 Defined Contribution Plan Summit, Janice Holman, principal at Eckler Ltd., moderated a presentation highlighting unique approaches three different plan sponsors have…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:46
Australian pension shares details on new option to deal with lump sums

Australian pension shares details on new option to deal with lump sums

As it is in Canada, member engagement is a buzzword for the defined contribution pension plan industry in Australia. But engagement doesn’t go far enough,…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:46
DC Plan Summit: Tracking the DC model’s ongoing transition

DC Plan Summit: Tracking the DC model’s ongoing transition

Across the globe, the defined contribution retirement model is in transition on a number of fronts. Jean Young, senior research analyst at the Vanguard Group…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:45
DC Plan Summit: Is talking retirement readiness enough to draw employees’ attention to their DC plan?

DC Plan Summit: Is talking retirement readiness enough to draw employees’ attention to their DC plan?

Moderators: Nadia Darwish, vice-president of development, marketing and investment strategy; and Karrina Dusablon, national vice-president of business development, client relationship and member experience, at Desjardins…

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • April 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:40