Latest news in Capital accumulation plans

Pension sector challenged as number of workers retiring hits 5,000 a week

Pension sector challenged as number of workers retiring hits 5,000 a week

By the end of January, there will be enough new retirees to fill the Air Canada Centre, Jean-Philippe Provost, senior partner and wealth business leader at…

Employee bonuses could lead to RRSP trouble

Employee bonuses could lead to RRSP trouble

Many employees look forward to this time of year as they await their bonuses for the previous year. Many employers plan to pay them out before…

A closer look at trust-based DC pension plans

A closer look at trust-based DC pension plans

One of the fundamental questions about the structure of defined contribution pension plans is one that rarely comes up but that has an impact on…

Solutions to managing the deluge of pension records

Solutions to managing the deluge of pension records

Pension plans, like many businesses, rely on information. While the retention of certain pension plan records is subject to regulation, decisions with respect to the…

Employers, government must step up to address decumulation dilemma

It’s a little shocking to realize that 1,100 Canadians are turning 65 every day. Of that number, about 500 will be relying on their own…

Drug prices review, decumulation among top issues for 2017

Drug prices review, decumulation among top issues for 2017

As the new year begins, what are the key benefits, pension and investment issues facing plan sponsors in the coming months? For those providing benefits, drug…

  • By: Jann Lee
  • January 9, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 10:02
The ORPP: the ghost of 2016

The ORPP: the ghost of 2016

“The Ontario Registered Pension Plan was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. . . . Old ORPP was as dead…

Top 10 pension and investment stories of 2016

Top 10 pension and investment stories of 2016

2016 was certainly an interesting year for the pension and investment industries. It was a year of political moves that rocked stock markets, a number…

  • By: Staff
  • December 29, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:01
Five New Year’s resolutions for DC pension plan sponsors

Five New Year’s resolutions for DC pension plan sponsors

The end of the calendar year is a time that many of us make resolutions for personal improvements to ensure the upcoming year is even…

  • By: Todd Nelson
  • December 28, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
What to do when FSCO comes knocking on a plan sponsor’s door

What to do when FSCO comes knocking on a plan sponsor’s door

The Financial Services Commission of Ontario has said it expects to perform an on-site examination of every pension plan in the province over the next…

Editorial: A note of optimism after a difficult year

Editorial: A note of optimism after a difficult year

The situation for Canada’s pension industry looked fairly uncertain at the beginning of 2016. A significant portion of the industry was bracing for the implementation…

  • By: Glenn Kauth
  • December 13, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
How plan sponsors can avoid U.S.-style lawsuits over DC fees

How plan sponsors can avoid U.S.-style lawsuits over DC fees

When staffers on the comedy show Last Week Tonight joined a new 401(k) plan, they were set to pay 1.69 per cent in administrative expenses,…

DC Investment Forum 2016: The path to better outcomes for plan members

DC Investment Forum 2016: The path to better outcomes for plan members

How can plan sponsors encourage their employees to make better investment decisions? And what can they do to address the different behavioural tendencies across different…

What is target return investing?

What is target return investing?

Low interest rates, poor stock market returns and ongoing volatility are making it increasingly challenging to find investment solutions that will help plan members reach…

The finer points of customizing target-date funds

The finer points of customizing target-date funds

With U.S. investors under 30 putting a large portion of their defined contribution pension investments in target-date funds, the industry is growing quickly, Vanguard’s Matthew…

The keys to overcoming plan members’ behavioural biases

The keys to overcoming plan members’ behavioural biases

As the trend toward defined contribution pension plans continues to take shape, concern is growing over the potential for investors’ behavioural biases to affect their…

A look at design options to boost DC members’ retirement outcomes

A look at design options to boost DC members’ retirement outcomes

As defined contribution plans continue to transition from being a supplement to defined benefit pensions to become a mainstay of the retirement system, plan sponsors…

A closer look at life-cycle investing

A closer look at life-cycle investing

Instead of focusing only on retirement, a defined contribution pension plan should aim for smooth consumption throughout a member’s lifetime, BlackRock Inc.’s Matthew O’Hara told…

Panel discussion: Investing for a multigenerational workforce

Panel discussion: Investing for a multigenerational workforce

With three generations active in the workforce and another group about to join, defined contribution pension plan sponsors must consider the unique needs and behaviours…

Ikea adds $1,235 to each long-term Canadian employee’s RRSP this year

Ikea adds $1,235 to each long-term Canadian employee’s RRSP this year

Ikea will contribute an additional $153.5 million to its employees’ retirement savings programs this year, as part of Tack!, its loyalty program. “At Ikea Canada…

  • By: Staff
  • December 8, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:51
Employers, employees differ on automatic enrolment features: CAP Member Survey

Employers, employees differ on automatic enrolment features: CAP Member Survey

While 52 per cent of employee respondents said they would support automatic enrolment, just 27 per cent of employer respondents said they currently automatically enroll…

  • By: Staff
  • November 30, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 21:43
GE Canada online retirement tool helps staff learn about decumulation scenarios

GE Canada online retirement tool helps staff learn about decumulation scenarios

GE Canada has relaunched its online retirement tool to help employees understand how the organization supports them in saving for retirement and how they can…

Is retirement adequacy the responsibility of employers or employees?

Is retirement adequacy the responsibility of employers or employees?

Employers and employees have very different views on who bears the responsibility for ensuring employees retire successfully, according to Benefits Canada’s 2016 CAP Member Survey.…

  • By: Staff
  • November 30, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:36
Survey finds gap between plan sponsors, members on retirement prospects

Survey finds gap between plan sponsors, members on retirement prospects

While plan members feel fairly confident about their retirement prospects, employers aren’t quite so optimistic, Benefits Canada‘s 2016 CAP Member Survey has found. The biggest…

  • By: Staff
  • November 29, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:26

Majority of gen-x Canadians not ready for retirement: survey

The majority of Canadians between age 35 and 54 are not saving enough for retirement, according to a new TD survey that looked at the…

  • By: Jann Lee
  • November 28, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00