Latest news in Governance/legislation

The importance of financial literacy

As I finalize preparations for a presentation on the importance of financial literacy, I am struck by the sheer magnitude of the challenges ahead for…

A big day for pension debate

A Toronto hotel provided the forum for comprehensive and spirited debate on Canada’s retirement system on Wednesday. Speaking at the Conference Board of Canada’s Summit…

  • By: Jody White
  • April 14, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Flaherty hints at private sector pension solution

Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty seems to be leaning towards a private sector solution to address the shortcomings of Canada’s retirement system, reports the Globe…

  • By: Jody White
  • April 13, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Record fine for CCWIPP trustees

Nine trustees of the Canadian Commercial Workers Industry Pension Plan (CCWIPP) have been slapped with a total fine of $202,500 for a breaching their fiduciary…

  • By: Jody White
  • April 9, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Pension funds battle hedge funds over “side pocketing”

Institutional investors around the world are pushing back against a hedge fund practice that isolates up to 10% of an investor’s assets, according to a…

  • By: Jody White
  • April 6, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

2010 Quebec budget highlights

Quebec Finance Minister Raymond Bachand tabled his 2010–2011 provincial budget on March 30, 2010. According to Towers Watson, the budget proposes measures to reduce the…

  • By: Jody White
  • April 1, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Broken promises

The crisis in the financial system led to a recession, an equity market meltdown and a collapse in long-term interest rates. The solvency position of…

Budget ruts

On the evening of March 4th, our team of writers and editors settled in for a long night, preparing to broadcast news of the 2010…

Let them save, says CLHIA

Canada’s insurance and health industry believes the country’s retirement system is far from broken, and that individuals simply need more incentive to save for themselves.…

  • By: Jody White
  • March 31, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Alice in Pensionland

  The success of the recent theatrical release Alice in Wonderland has brought renewed attention to one of the most famous lines in the 19th…

Three surprising pension trends

Results from a fall 2009 Global Pension Pulse Poll conducted by Pyramis Global Advisors were recently released and, according to Peter Walsh, institutional portfolio manager…

Ontario Budget promises consultations

The release of Ontario’s 2010 budget will come mostly as good news to plan sponsors of defined benefit (DB) pension plans. References to pension reform…

  • By: Jody White
  • March 26, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Flaherty launches pension consultations

Federal finance minister Jim Flaherty has announced the launch of cross-country and online consultations aimed at engaging Canadians on ideas for possible reform of the…

  • By: Jody White
  • March 24, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Do Canadians really need to save more?

The C.D. Howe Pension Papers Advisory Board just published its latest paper, The Piggy Bank Index: Matching Canadians’ Savings Rates to Their Dreams. The paper,…

Global pension system has seen better days

Media reports from Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. this week are pointing to a creaky global public retirement system that is chronically underfunded and…

  • By: Jody White
  • March 23, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Two Perspectives on Pension Reform

There’s no question that pension reform is on the horizon, but what form will it take? Benefits Canada presents two different views on much-needed changes…

Supervision of agents administrator’s responsibility

Pension plan administrators are required to exercise care, diligence, and prudence when administering a pension fund. Although they are permitted to appoint agents to carry…

  • By: Jana Steele
  • March 18, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Recession changes employee attitudes on careers

The ‘Great Recession’ may have resulted in a shift away from the “free agent” model of employment to a more long-term outlook on the part…

  • By: Jody White
  • March 16, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

How to protect your organization from overtime claims

The outcome of a recent class action case within Canada’s financial industry could potentially open the floodgates to overtime lawsuits against employers, warns Borden Ladner…

  • By: Jody White
  • March 16, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Does social media belong in the workplace?

“Red faces at retailer as dozens of staff post insulting comments about its customers on internet forum” — U.K. Daily Mail “Nearly half of office employees…

Public sector pension plans escape budget

The lack of movement on pension reform in the 2010 federal budget may not have come as a surprise to some, but there is debate…

GAAP-PE: The bottom line for private companies

Say goodbye to Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). For financial statements covering periods beginning on or after January 1, 2011, companies will no longer…

  • By: Lorne Lebow
  • March 2, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Windup joys

In January, the Ontario Court of Appeal released its long-awaited decision concerning a partial windup application made by non-unionized employees affected by a reorganization at…

  • By: Murray Gold
  • March 1, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Two Perspectives on Pension Reform: Crisis? What Crisis?

During 2009, retirement savings frequently made headline news. The news stories all focused on the same question, regardless of whether it was asked in the…

Two Perspectives on Pension Reform: Give Choice a Chance

Many countries are dealing with the issue of a significant savings shortfall for certain groups of individuals at or near retirement. Canada is one of…