Latest news in Governance/legislation

Know your options

Mitigating the risks of backdating and springloading. Backdating options is, at best, indicative of poor governance and, at worst, illegal. The practice could result in…

Playing by the rules

Comparing principles-based and rules-based corporate governance in Canada and the U.S. Following the collapse of Enron and other accounting fraud and corporate scandals involving firms…

The Law: Payback time

EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION IS AN ISSUE THAT MOVES IN and out of the headlines. And, from time to time, it surfaces in the courtroom. Shareholder activists,…

Pension Planning: Assembling the ideal board

GOVERNANCE OF A PENSION FUND IS DETERMINED BY those at the top who are entrusted with its oversight, such as the board or the investment…

A watching brief

The impact of pension fund surplus litigation has been well documented. The next big litigation catalysts involving pension plans could be plan expenses and plan…

Guest Speaker: A lesson from Teachers’

IN THE MID-1990S, TEACHERS’ BELIEVED THAT THE LOSS OF assets through active management posed substantial risk to the funding position of the plan. Today, we…

Pension Planning: A small plan’s story

For a PDF version of this article, click here. ONE OF THE UNDERLYING PREMISES OF MODERN PORTFOLIO management is that risk is as important as…

  • March 1, 2005 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Investment Q&A: Practitioner, heal thyself

© Copyright 2006 Rogers Publishing Ltd. The following article first appeared in the February 2005 edition of BENEFITS CANADA magazine.   Sound governance should be a…

  • By: James Lewis
  • February 1, 2005 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

The Law: Action plan 2005

WE HAVE WEATHERED THE RECENT CRISIS IN PENSION plan funding after the collapse of equity prices in 2000. But there are challenges ahead. Plans are…

The ultimate benchmark

© Copyright 2006 Rogers Publishing Ltd. The following article first appeared in the February 2005 edition of BENEFITS CANADA magazine.   Plan sponsors are asset-focused when…

Pension Planning: What are your beliefs?

PENSION FIDUCIARIES DON’T TALK MUCH ABOUT THEIR investment beliefs. So one is often left having to infer investment beliefs from investment actions. For example, if…