Latest news in Communication

Growth in life expectancy slows for OAS beneficiaries, study finds

Growth in life expectancy slows for OAS beneficiaries, study finds

The growth in life expectancy for beneficiaries of Canada’s old age security program declined slightly in recent years in comparison to the rates of the…

  • By: Jann Lee
  • July 7, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
71% of employers to focus on employees’ financial well-being: survey

71% of employers to focus on employees’ financial well-being: survey

Nearly three-quarters (71 per cent) of employers said they intend to focus on employees’ financial well-being in ways that expand beyond retirement decisions, according to…

  • By: Staff
  • June 30, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 16:55
Pension association asks CRA for help locating pensioners

Pension association asks CRA for help locating pensioners

The Association of Canadian Pension Management has submitted a letter to the Canada Revenue Agency asking for help to locate missing pension plan members. Specifically,…

  • By: Staff
  • June 27, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:16
Sounding Board: Lessons from Alberta Pension Services’ administrative overhaul

Sounding Board: Lessons from Alberta Pension Services’ administrative overhaul

After five years of work and many millions of dollars, the Alberta Pension Services Corp. turned on its new pension administration system on May 30, 2016.…

Why video is today’s hottest communication tool

Why video is today’s hottest communication tool

Let’s face it: no one really wants to spend precious time reading about their pension and benefit plans. Pensions and benefits are boring, and sometimes…

Why employers should focus on investment literacy

Why employers should focus on investment literacy

Setting up a DC plan can be relatively easy; getting your employees to enrol and make smart investing decisions is much harder.

It’s time to offer female-only retirement education

It’s time to offer female-only retirement education

When I get ticked off with something a man does, I usually say, “Well, they die sooner.” And that’s true: Statistics Canada’s 2009 numbers put…

Editorial: The DC industry should refocus its efforts

Editorial: The DC industry should refocus its efforts

Earlier this year, Benefits Canada hosted its annual DC Plan Summit. As part of the agenda, Ole Settergren from the Swedish Pension Agency talked about…

Case study: How BMO boosts its staff’s financial literacy

Case study: How BMO boosts its staff’s financial literacy

When the Task Force on Financial Literacy released its recommendations a few years ago on how to make Canadians better understand financial concepts, this prompted…

How can plan sponsors manage boomers’ unrealistic retirement expectations?

How can plan sponsors manage boomers’ unrealistic retirement expectations?

If baby boomers aren’t prepared for retirement, who’s going to pick up the slack?

Want to help employees save for retirement?

Want to help employees save for retirement?

Want your employees to save more for retirement? Help them get out of debt.