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Employee Financial Well-Being to launch online pilot program

Employee Financial Well-Being to launch online pilot program

Employee Financial Well-Being will roll out an online financial education pilot program called Money Ecademy, which is designed to engage and nudge employees towards better financial…

Why decumulation is essential in retirement planning

Why decumulation is essential in retirement planning

Retirement planning has two equal sides, one in which the focus is saving for retirement (accumulation) and the other in which your focus is managing…

  • February 5, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:15
CPPIB among investors seeking transparency on climate change

CPPIB among investors seeking transparency on climate change

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and Quebec’s Caisse de depot are among institutional investors seeking greater transparency from three of the world’s biggest mining…

No end in sight for ‘spike unit’ helping social security tribunal

No end in sight for ‘spike unit’ helping social security tribunal

A special group assigned to help deal with a massive backlog of appeals around employment insurance and other social security benefits isn’t winding down anytime…

Sun Life launches digital retirement tool

Sun Life launches digital retirement tool

Sun Life Financial has launched a digital enrolment tool that aims to simplify the way Canadians save for retirement at work. The tool, MAX my…

Couch Potato works with employer retirement plans

Couch Potato works with employer retirement plans

Since most employer-sponsored plans allow employees to save painlessly through payroll deductions – often with a top-up from the company – the money is invested automatically and…

  • By: Staff
  • January 29, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 08:07
54% of Canadians saving for the long term

54% of Canadians saving for the long term

More than half (54%) of Canadians are making saving for the long term, including retirement, their primary financial priority, according to a new survey. The…

Employers urged to prepare for new normal in pension plans

Employers urged to prepare for new normal in pension plans

Employers need to prepare for a new normal in their pension plans as the economy continues to lag and people are living longer, Mercer’s Jean-Philippe…

OMERS buys into Spanish pipeline operator

OMERS buys into Spanish pipeline operator

An investment arm of one of Canada’s large public-sector pension funds says it has agreed to buy a 24.15% stake in Spain’s largest operator of oil…

Trends in workplace pension plans

Trends in workplace pension plans

Morneau Shepell maintains a database that covers literally all of the defined benefit (DB) pension plans for which the firm performs a funding valuation. The database contains…

AIMCo to acquire stake in DFG Investment Advisors

AIMCo to acquire stake in DFG Investment Advisors

Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) has announced it will acquire a minority stake in the holding company of DFG Investment Advisors, a New-York based asset management…

Reservists waiting too long for pension cheques due to outdated administration

Reservists waiting too long for pension cheques due to outdated administration

The Canadian Armed Forces has admitted that reservists are waiting too long to receive their first pension cheques because the HR processes at National Defence…

  • By: Staff
  • January 21, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:45
Sounding Board: Gap between DB and DC widens

Sounding Board: Gap between DB and DC widens

Another year has passed, and once again the Nova Scotia Health Employees’ Pension Plan won and my personal RRSP lost. I’m talking about the annual investment return…

Nyhart re-enrolls DC members into Russell Adaptive Retirement Accounts

Nyhart re-enrolls DC members into Russell Adaptive Retirement Accounts

Plan sponsor Nyhart Actuary and Employee Benefits (Nyhart) has re-enrolled its employees into Russell Adaptive Retirement Accounts, developed by global asset manager Russell Investments. Russell…

CPPIB to invest an extra $1billion in China

CPPIB to invest an extra $1billion in China

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is committing an additional US$1 billion to logistics investments in China. The funds will be allocated to the…

ORPP may be good for the economy, but confusion about it remains

ORPP may be good for the economy, but confusion about it remains

The Conference Board of Canada says the proposed Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) will mean long-term increases in income that offset the small negative effect…

Higher pension contributions only partly offset by lower RRSP savings

Higher pension contributions only partly offset by lower RRSP savings

A new report by Statistics Canada says automatic increases in registered pension plans are most helpful to people who don’t save much in registered retirement…

Finance ministers agree to revisit pension reform talks in 2016

Finance ministers agree to revisit pension reform talks in 2016

A federal-provincial gathering of finance ministers reached rare consensus Monday on the polarizing subject of Canada Pension Plan (CPP) reform—they agreed to keep debating it.…

How to communicate shared-risk plan designs

In our collective search for ways to offer retirement income security while maintaining contribution stability, jointly-sponsored pension plans (JSPPs), target benefit plans (TBPs) and shared…

  • By: Susan Deller
  • December 22, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 10:14
What does the industry expect from CPP talks?

What does the industry expect from CPP talks?

As Finance Minister Bill Morneau meets with his provincial and territorial counterparts in Ottawa this weekend, it is expected that the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)…

NL government halts collection of pension overpayments

NL government halts collection of pension overpayments

The new Liberal government in Newfoundland and Labrador is dropping an effort to collect on pension overpayments to more than 400 people. The pensioners had…

Letter to the editor: ORPP editorial falls short

Letter to the editor: ORPP editorial falls short

Benefits Canada magazine exists, at least in part, to inform the benefits and retirement services community—consultants, advisors, providers and, most important, employers—about key issues affecting…

Aging Asian countries must reform pensions, encourage more women to work: World Bank

Aging Asian countries must reform pensions, encourage more women to work: World Bank

Asian countries are aging faster than has been seen anywhere else in the world, and they need to urgently reform pension systems and encourage more…

Pension systems still feel effects of financial crisis

Pension systems still feel effects of financial crisis

Pension systems remain under strain in many countries amid slow economic growth and moves by governments to shore up financial stability in the wake of…

Canada out of recession, GDP grows 2.3%

Canada out of recession, GDP grows 2.3%

Canada has climbed out of the recession that nudged the economy into reverse over the first half of 2015, but a rebound in growth during…