Latest news in Retirement

2023 BPS coverage: Millennials expect more from employers, group benefits plans

Since 2016, millennials have made up a larger share of the working population than baby boomers — and today, one in three Canadians of working…

Top 5 HR, benefits, pension and investment stories of the week

An article on Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada’s gender affirmation coverage was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular…

  • By: Staff
  • June 30, 2023 June 29, 2023
  • 09:00

Quebec court rules municipal sector pension law unconstitutional for retirees, justified for active members

The Quebec Court of Appeal has ruled the province’s Bill 15, which substantially modified municipal sector pension plans, is unconstitutional with respect to retirees but…


Survey finds 47% of Canadian workers worry about running out of money in retirement

Nearly half (47 per cent) of Canadian employees say they’re very worried about running out of money in retirement, according to a new survey by…

  • By: Staff
  • June 26, 2023 June 26, 2023
  • 15:00

U.S. workers believe they need $1.27 million to retire comfortably: survey

While U.S. workers believe they’ll need roughly $1.27 million in savings to retire comfortably, employees have, on average, just $89,300 in retirement savings, according to…

  • By: Staff
  • June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023
  • 15:00

Top 5 HR, benefits, pension and investment stories of the week

An article on Canadians’ retirement readiness was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the…

  • By: Staff
  • June 23, 2023 June 22, 2023
  • 09:00

Changes to tax rules can improve Canadians’ retirement security: report

Changes to tax rules can improve Canadians’ retirement security and make the retirement system more equitable, according to a new report by the C.D. Howe…

  • By: Staff
  • June 23, 2023 June 22, 2023
  • 09:00

2023 Top 100 Pension Funds Report: How to improve retirement outcomes across diverse plan member groups

At the beginning of April, the OPSEU Pension Trust made a change to a definition in its plan text that will have meaningful implications for…

Younger 401(k) participants struggling with emergency savings, student debt: survey

Generation Z (28 per cent), millennial (25 per cent) and generation X (21 per cent) 401(k) members rank a lack of emergency savings as one…

  • By: Staff
  • June 19, 2023 June 15, 2023
  • 15:00

Younger U.S. workers seeking paid time off, flexible work in job search: survey

Two-thirds (65 per cent) of younger U.S. workers say paid time off is the No. 1 employer benefit that influences their job search, followed by…

  • By: Staff
  • June 16, 2023 June 16, 2023
  • 15:00

Survey finds 44% of Canadian pre-retirees have less than $5,000 in savings

Three-quarters (75 per cent) of Canadian adults aged 55 to 64 have $100,000 or less in savings and 44 per cent have less than $5,000,…

58% of U.S. workers cite outliving assets as greatest retirement fear: survey

More than half (58 per cent) of U.S. employees say outliving their assets is their greatest fear in retirement, according to a new survey by…

  • By: Staff
  • June 9, 2023 June 8, 2023
  • 15:00

U of T, Unifor agreement includes retirement gains, gender affirmation coverage

The union representing 89 employees at the University of Toronto has ratified a two-year agreement that includes retirement and benefits gains, including gender affirmation coverage.…

Half of U.S. workers say rising costs, financial crises impacting retirement savings: survey

Roughly half of U.S. employees say rising costs (49 per cent) and recent financial crises (46 per cent) have caused them to reduce or stop…

  • By: Staff
  • June 6, 2023 June 6, 2023
  • 15:00

Expert panel: Seven important questions as pandemic moves into endemic phase

In three short years, the relationship between Canadian employers and employees has changed dramatically as a result of the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on health, finances…

2023 GIC coverage: Tracking headwinds and tailwinds in Canadian housing development

Housing affordability will be a challenge, particularly for newcomers to Canada — pushing more of that demographic into the rental market, said Aaron Pittman, head…

More than 20 U.K. pension organizations forming coalition to tackle pension inequalities

More than 20 U.K. pension organizations are forming an industry coalition to tackle pension inequalities. The Pensions Equity Group aims to increase the number of people…

  • By: Staff
  • June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023
  • 09:00

Top 5 HR, benefits, pension and investment stories of the week

An article on Amazon Canada’s ‘Dogs at Work’ program was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news…

  • By: Staff
  • June 2, 2023 June 1, 2023
  • 09:00

More than half of U.S. women don’t feel financially secure: survey

More than half of U.S. women say they aren’t financially secure, a percentage that increases to 77 per cent among low-income women, according to a…

  • By: Staff
  • May 29, 2023 May 26, 2023
  • 09:00
Copyright_Romolo Tavani_123RF

Equitable Bank’s 2022 Workplace Benefits Awards’ win empowering employees to improve financial wellness

Equitable Bank’s 2022 Workplace Benefits Awards win is empowering employees to ask for more financial wellness benefits and to recognize the full range of resources…

76% of Canadians expect to work longer than their parents to retire comfortably: survey

Three-quarters (76 per cent) of Canadians say they’ll need to work longer than their parents to become financially secure in retirement, a percentage that increases…

  • By: Staff
  • May 26, 2023 May 26, 2023
  • 09:00

Just 34% of U.S. SMEs offering retirement benefits: survey

Just a third (34 per cent) of U.S. small- and medium-sized employers say they offer retirement benefits, according to a new survey by Fidelity Investments.…

  • By: Staff
  • May 17, 2023 May 16, 2023
  • 09:00

How Fluor Canada’s financial literacy programs are meeting the needs of its diverse workforce

Financial education programs can be humdrum at times, bringing to mind the iconic sleepy classroom scene in the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. With that…

Semi-retirement working options helping employers navigate the ‘Great Labour Shift’

Many employers are welcoming retirees back to their workforces to counter what some are calling the ‘Great Labour Shift.’ As the coronavirus pandemic shifts the…

Q&A with AIMCo’s Krista Pell

The Alberta Investment Management Corp.’s chief human resources officer discusses the evolving employee life cycle, autonomous working and competitive weightlifting. Q: What top challenges do…