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When Sun Life Assurance Co.’s employees return to work once the coronavirus pandemic recedes, they’ll be able to choose whether they work at home or in the office thanks to the company’s new flexible work policy. The insurer’s 12,000 employees won’t be required to work from the office any minimum or maximum number of days. Instead, […]

Although vaccinations have been ramping up across the country, almost half (46 per cent) of Canadians who are working from home are anxious about contracting the virus if and when they return to the office, according to a survey conducted by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health on behalf of the Canada Life Assurance Co. The […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 6, 2021 July 5, 2021
  • 09:00

Amazon.com Inc. is allowing its corporate and technology employees to continue working remotely, even after the coronavirus pandemic restrictions start to lift soon across the U.S. The retail giant said those employees can work remotely two days a week and three days days in the office. In addition, they can work remotely from a domestic […]

Canadian employees are in no rush to head back to the office even as the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic in this country continues to decline, a new survey by Leger and the Association for Canadian Studies suggests. Read: 81% of investment industry employees want hybrid work model post-pandemic: survey The Leger survey queried 1,647 Canadians […]

As Canadians watch the U.S. reopen with life returning to normal in various stages, in addition to thoughts of attending sporting events, concerts and gathering with loved ones, employees are also starting to think about what their daily routines will look like in a post-coronavirus pandemic world. For those employees who moved to remote work […]

Amid the rising pressures and challenges of the shift to remote working as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, employers are adjusting organizational programs to meet evolving business and employee needs, according to a new survey by the Conference Board of Canada. A majority (more than 70 per cent) of employers surveyed said they’ve adjusted […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021
  • 15:00

For most Canadians, it’s been well over a year since most of the country went into its first lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. I don’t think we truly understood what was going to happen back in March 2020, or the impact it would have on our personal and professional lives. But during the 15th […]

Amid the second (and hopefully last) year of the coronavirus pandemic, employers are starting to plan for the post-pandemic future. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic, forcing many employers around the globe to rapidly shift mainly white-collar employees to working from home. By April 2020, in Canada, […]

Scotiabank’s director of global benefits talks navigating the coronavirus pandemic, enhancing the employee experience and planning for the post-pandemic workplace. Q: What top challenges do you face in your role? A: Primary challenges are ensuring we’re evolving our programs to meet the needs of a diverse and changing workforce and communicating these programs clearly. We […]

As the coronavirus pandemic ground the world to a halt in March 2020, stopping was not an option for Gale Rubenstein or her colleagues on the board of trustees at the University Pension Plan Ontario. The jointly sponsored pension plan had only come into existence two months earlier, and the clock had already begun ticking […]