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Tax hike inevitable if Canada wants national pharmacare, former PBO warns

Former federal budget watchdog Kevin Page will deliver a blunt message to premiers this week about the costs of a future national pharmacare program: if Canadians want one, taxes will have to go up. Page, who now heads a University of Ottawa think tank, will walk through the numbers Friday when he gives a presentation […]

Feds announce members of national pharmacare advisory council

The federal government has announced the appointment of the remaining members of its advisory council on the implementation of national pharmacare. Besides former Ontario health minister Dr. Eric Hoskins, who’s the chair of the advisory council, the members are: Mia Homsy, director general of the Institut du Québec, who will serve as vice-chair of the […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 20, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 16:00
National pharmacare the wrong solution: think-tank

Advocates for national pharmacare have misdiagnosed the nature of gaps in prescription drug plan coverage in Canada and have proposed the wrong solution, according to a new study by think-tank the Canadian Health Policy Institute. Based on Canada’s 2016 population of almost 36.3 million people, the study found close to 23.2 million had coverage through a private drug plan. The […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 19, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 10:12
Assessing pharmacare’s impact on private drug plans

With a national pharmacare program potentially on the horizon, many plan sponsors will be wondering about the impact on their benefits plans. At Benefits Canada‘s Calgary Benefits Summit on May 29, Joe Farago, executive director of health-care innovation at Innovative Medicines Canada, discussed some of the implications of national pharmacare. Farago began his session by […]

From pharmacare to PMPRB reforms: The changing landscape for private plans

With a number of government reforms and new policies in the works, plan sponsors may well wonder about the potential impact on private drug plans. With that in mind, Suzanne Lepage, a private health plan strategist, led a panel discussion on new government policies and programs in the works at the Face to Face Drug […]

Have your say: Did Commons committee get it right on pharmacare?

In last week’s report on pharmacare, the House of Commons’ standing committee on health recommended a significant departure from the current mix of private drug coverage supplemented by public programs. While the report referenced various provincial drug programs that supplement private benefits plans or cover those without their own insurance — including those offered by Quebec, […]

  • By: Ryan Murphy
  • April 24, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 12:20
Commons committee recommends national pharmacare program

The House of Commons’ standing committee on health is recommending the creation of a universal, single public payer prescription drug coverage program for all Canadians. “The committee believes that the best approach for the creation of such a program is through the expansion of the Canada Health Act to include prescription drugs dispensed outside of hospitals as an insured service,” […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 19, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 10:15
Ontario NDP platform to include pharmacare, dental benefits for all workers

Ontario’s New Democratic leader unveiled parts of her platform at a campaign event on Saturday, saying the party will offer universal pharmacare and dental care for all Ontarians if elected. The party’s five policy points — which also include lowering wait times for health-care services, raising taxes on corporations and the wealthiest Ontarians and converting […]

Budget confirms new advisory council on implementation of national pharmacare

The 2018 budget has confirmed the federal government is creating an advisory council on the implementation of a national pharmacare program. Marc-André Gagnon, associate professor at Carleton University’s School of Public Policy and Administration, believes the budget’s wording around implementation, rather than consultation, marks a real commitment to moving forward on this issue. “The advisory council is really […]

Expand CPP replacement rate, create universal pharmacare, urges alternative federal budget

Expand the Canada Pension Plan replacement rate to 50 per cent of earnings. Cap annual contributions to registered retirement savings plans at $22,000. Establish a public agency to administer terminated pension plans. Create a single-payer pharmacare plan for all of Canada. These are just a few of the suggestions put forth by the Canadian Centre for Policy […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 22, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 16:56