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Little for seniors in 2013 budget

Originally from our sister publication, Advisor.ca As it relates to Canada’s retirees, and near retirees, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s eighth, and some say his last, federal budget has received mixed reactions from industry stakeholders. They say its provisions neither improve nor impair the quality of life led by the nation’s seniors. The Canadian Association of […]

B.C. takes action on PRPPs

One province is finally listening to Minister of State for Finance Ted Menzies’ persistent call to take action with pooled registered pension plans (PRPPs). The provincial government of British Columbia tabled PRPP legislation yesterday. If approved during the spring session of parliament, B.C. will break ground on pension reform and be the first province to […]

Best of investments 2012

There’s been a focus this year on the amount of risk pension plan sponsors are holding in their portfolio and how to manage that risk. Is it time to de-risk or re-risk? Strategies around both, in addition to investing in alternatives specifically, have been hot issues this year.

  • By: Staff
  • December 21, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 11:35
Dedicated to DB

At Benefits Canada's fourth annual Defined Benefit Summit in Toronto last week, the theme Keeping DB Alive was taken to heart as speakers not only probed the reasons behind the struggles of DB plans but also discussed strengths and survival strategies, including de-risking and exploring small cap and emerging markets.

Cap Suppliers Report: It’s automatic

"Engage, engage, engage” is an apt mantra for the capital accumulation plan (CAP) industry. With disappointing levels of employee engagement in Canadian retirement savings plans, plan sponsors continue to search for ways that inspire employees to save enough for retirement. One potential solution is automatic enrollment with automatic escalation—features that some believe could boost participation rates, particularly among younger workers, and address the engagement issue, too.

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • December 6, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 10:07
Check your defaults

With more than 80% of Canadian plan sponsors currently offering a DC option in their employer-sponsored pension plans, the shift to DC is firmly entrenched. In the U.S., nearly 60% of all pension assets flow into DC plans, according to the 2012 Towers Watson Global Pension Assets Study.

The Problem With the PRPP

Panel question its value for working Canadians.

Value of PRPP questioned

Touted as a practical solution for those who currently don’t have access to a workplace pension, the pooled registered pension plan (PRPP) also holds the potential to create a new revenue stream for the industry. Several of the large retirement service providers have already jumped at this opportunity and are ready to roll out PRPP […]

Small biz owners believe in benefits

The majority of Canadian small business owners make the connection between employee satisfaction and workplace productivity, according to results from Manulife Financial’s second annual Small Business Research Report.

  • By: Staff
  • October 5, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 10:12
Legal risks for CAP sponsors

In large part, the current move by many plan sponsors to a DC pension plan has been fuelled by a desire to escape the inherent risks (and costs) associated with sponsoring and administering a DB plan.