On the same day Keith Dixon began working at the University of Victoria, the campus gained another new addition: its combination pension plan. Introduced in July 1968, the plan is fairly unique in the world of Canadian pensions. It operates on a defined contribution basis, with the university and plan members each contributing. But when […]

A look at DC pension trends in the U.S.

Whether operating in Canada or the United States, defined contribution plan sponsors are facing the same challenges around demographics, plan design and their employees’ retirement readiness. On the demographics front, more baby boomers are retiring and taking their pension balances with them. As DC plans lose members, plan sponsors may see a rise in costs […]

SHARE joining CAAT’s DBPlus pension plan

The Shareholder Association for Research and Education is joining the College of Applied Arts and Technology’s new DBPlus pension plan. “As a small, non-profit organization, it’s difficult for us to access the kinds of plans that have traditionally been available to larger organizations,” says Kevin Thomas, executive director of the SHARE. “So, like other non-profits, […]


Using a Canada-model pension plan, employees would see $5.32 in retirement income for every dollar they contribute compared to the typical $1.70 resulting from an individual approach, according to a new report by the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan. The report, The Value of a Good Pension, divides Canadian retirement options into five distinct types: an individual […]

The shifting landscape for variable benefits from DC plans

There has been a lot of talk about variable benefits from defined contribution pension plans recently. Ontario has changes in the works to allow them, while a number of provinces have moved on the issue in recent years. And while it’s not yet common for plan sponsors to offer variable benefits, some organizations have had the […]

Ontario passes budget measures amending pension, PRPP acts

The Ontario government passed its 2018 budget measures on Tuesday, including amendments to the Pension Benefits Act and the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act. The amendments to the Pension Benefits Act include removing the requirements related to age and years of employment or membership under the province’s pension benefits guarantee fund for plan windups on or after […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 8, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 16:30
The Trouble With Fee Disclosure in DC Plans

Plan members are in the dark when it comes to costs.

  • April 16, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 16:34
Key innovations to help millennials navigate the pension jungle

While retirement may not yet be at the top of millennials’ priority lists, it won’t be long before they arrive on the pension scene. How can the industry prepare for their arrival? And what might the rejuvenation look like? Let’s start by examining the pension world as we know it today. On the workplace front, […]

  • By: Bita Jenab
  • February 9, 2018 March 17, 2021
  • 08:56
How can Canada’s retirement system better address pension portability?

The days of working for one employer and contributing to a single pension plan for an entire career are long over. In fact, 28 per cent of Canadians surveyed by Workopolis Inc. in 2014 had already had between five and 10 jobs, and Statistics Canada figures show defined benefit membership is continuing to fall while […]

OSFI touts progress of pension priorities, including PRPPs

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions has laid out its progress on a number of pension responsibilities in its 2016-17 report on plans and priorities, published Friday. One area of progress is pooled retirement pension plans, notes the report. Since OSFI acquired new responsibilities under the PRPP multilateral agreement, which came into effect in June 2016, […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 13, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00