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Keyword: 2024 Risk Management Conference

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Anti-market sentiment in the U.S. is gaining momentum with both Democrats and Republicans, according to David Frum, a writer at The Atlantic, during the keynote session at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Risk Management Conference. The latest election cycle is showing voters are interested in how an economic idea is presented and by the type […]

The risk associated with high-profile name concentration in technology equities is pushing institutional investors to consider risk-mitigating strategies, according to Nick Zylkowski, managing director and co-head of customized portfolio solutions at Russell Investments Ltd., speaking during a session at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Risk Management Conference. He noted investors are reviewing their exposure to […]

Michael Tsourounis

The fundamentals of the Canadian housing market are incredibly strong because they’re underpinned by a significant imbalance of supply and demand that will be present for many years to come, said Michael Tsourounis, managing partner and head of real estate at Hazelview Investments, during the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Risk Management Conference. Any time there’s an imbalance […]

The Investment Management Corp. of Ontario is making its strategic allocation decisions based on a guideline of worldwide events that will shape investment themes for decades to come. Speaking during a session at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Risk Management Conference, Nick Chamie (pictured left), the IMCO’s chief strategist and senior managing director of total portfolio […]

Institutional investors are missing opportunities to use artificial intelligence for effective decision-making, according to Ruslan Goyenko, an associate professor of finance at McGill University, speaking during a session at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Risk Management Conference. He urged investment leaders to push beyond traditional fundamentals and open their minds to the use of AI. […]

Danny Ip

When communicating risk management posturing to executive boards, it’s important for pension plan sponsors to tell a cohesive and fulsome story, said Danny Ip, director of investment risk and analytics for the Toronto Transit Commission Pension Plan, during the Canadian Investment Review‘s 2024 Risk Management Conference. The TTC plan, which has $8.7 billion in assets under management, has […]

Overseeing the transition of a single-employer pension plan to a jointly sponsored one felt at times like launching a startup firm, according to Theo Heldman, chief financial officer and vice-president of risk at the Workplace Insurance and Safety Employee Trust, speaking during a session at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Risk Management Conference. “There was […]

Longevity risk is still among the top concerns keeping defined benefit pension plan sponsors up at night. While a 62-year-old person that retired in 2002 had a life expectancy of 21.4 years, that has now increased to 26.2 years, said Darwin Bozek, president and chief executive officer of the Ontario Pension Board, during a panel discussion at […]