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Nearly all (98 per cent) U.S. employees believe it’s important for their employer to provide a retirement savings plan, according to a new survey by Vestwell Inc. The survey, which polled roughly 1,300 employees and 250 employers, found nearly three-quarters (72 per cent) of employees said they expect employers to offer a 401(k) or 403(b) […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 23, 2023 February 22, 2023
  • 09:00

The majority (81 per cent) of U.S. public sector employees worry whether they’ll have enough money to last them through retirement, according to a new survey by MissionSquare Research Institute. The annual survey, conducted alongside the International Public Management Association for Human Resources and the National Association of State Personnel Executives, also found just 41 per […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 7, 2023 February 6, 2023
  • 09:00

Two-fifths (40 per cent) of all U.S. private sector employees don’t have an employer-sponsored retirement plan and non-white workers have the least access to these plans, according to a report by T. Rowe Price Group Inc. It found that, while 58 per cent of white employees had access to workplace retirement plans, this percentage decreased […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 25, 2022 November 24, 2022
  • 09:00

Two-fifths (41 per cent) of U.S. women say they expect to retire at age 70 or older or don’t plan to retire at all, according to a survey by the Harris Poll on behalf of the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. Among women who plan to work past age 65 or who don’t plan to retire, […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 24, 2022 November 23, 2022
  • 09:00

The vast majority (87 per cent) of 401(k) retirement plans — covering more than 90 per cent of 401(k) plan members — offer employer contributions, according to a report by BrightScope Inc. and the Investment Company Institute. The report, which analyzed 64,000 large private sector 401(k) plans, found employer contributions represented 31 per cent of […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 11, 2022 October 11, 2022
  • 15:00

Despite President Joe Biden’s new student loan forgiveness program, nearly two-thirds (60 per cent) of U.S. employers that currently offer a student loan repayment program won’t be changing their policy,  according to a survey by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. The survey, which polled more than 300 U.S. employers, found the majority (74 […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 7, 2022 September 6, 2022
  • 09:00
Ontario DB pension solvency up again in third quarter: FSRA

A fifth (19 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’ve adjusted their retirement strategy and are taking a more conservative savings approach amid economic uncertainty, according to a new report by Fidelity Investments Inc. It found the total savings rate for the second quarter of 2022 continued the positive momentum achieved in the first quarter, […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 19, 2022 August 21, 2022
  • 15:00

Half (49 per cent) of U.S. employees younger than age 34 are withdrawing early from an individual retirement account or 401(k), according to a new survey by Morgan Stanley. The survey, which polled more than 900 U.S. workers, found among those making early withdrawals, 20 per cent said they needed the money to pay for […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 5, 2022 July 4, 2022
  • 09:00

More workers may soon be able to stake some of their 401(k) retirement savings to Bitcoin, as cryptocurrencies crack even deeper into the mainstream. Retirement giant Fidelity Investments Inc. has launched a way for employees to put some of their 401(k) savings and contributions — potentially up to 20 per cent — directly in Bitcoin, […]


While 78 per cent of U.S. employees are reporting increased stress levels and feelings of burnout, only 40 per cent said their employer offers mental-health benefits or resources, compared to 53 per cent in 2021, 46 per cent in 2020 and 45 per cent in 2019, according to a new survey by Employ Inc. The […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 30, 2022 March 31, 2022
  • 15:00