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Top tactics to reduce absenteeism

Workplace absenteeism is a major concern these days––and with good reason. Even casual absenteeism costs Canadian employers billions of dollars a year. And that doesn’t take into account disability costs, lost productivity or the demoralizing impact on the workplace.

Family caregiver leave: Options and new legislation

Eldercare and caregiving are increasingly important issues for employees and employers. According to the January 2009 study Balancing Paid Work and Caregiving Responsibilities: A Closer Look at Family Caregivers in Canada, more than 27% of employed Canadians had responsibilities for eldercare in 2009. And this trend is expected to grow, with the boomer and senior […]

Catch absenteeism before it’s a problem

Absenteeism is an issue every employer must deal with. But how do employers deal with it before it becomes a serious problem? That was the focus of Benefits Canada's Face to Face Workforce Management half-day conference in Toronto yesterday.

The elephant and the iceberg: Mental health in the workplace

For Dr. Stanley Dermer, chief psychiatrist for D.W. Dermer & Associates, mental health in the workplace is associated with two metaphors: an elephant and an iceberg.

Q&A: Getting unions on board

Anne Harvey, vice-president of HR with Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, discusses union involvement in her organization's disability program.

Best employers focus on engagement

What makes an employer good to work for? According to Queen’s University’s School of Business and Aon Hewitt, employee engagement is the key.

  • By: Staff
  • February 13, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 12:22
Engage your way to wellness

Research carried out in conjunction with Aon Hewitt’s Best Employers in Canada study shows a link between highly engaged employees and improved health and overall well-being.

A few years ago, Jennifer Moore, manager of HR and organizational development at Dufferin Child and Family Services (DCFS), noticed a spike in casual and short-term sick leaves among the agency’s 80 employees.

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • January 16, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 08:30
Five building blocks of disability management

Wellness programs have become more common in the workplace, and the benefits of having these programs make sense. However, they are not being offered everywhere—and even where they are, Canadians are still missing work.

Managing chronic disease in the workplace

Chronic conditions have become the norm in the workplace and, according to the World Health Organization, chronic disease is expected to account for 89% of all deaths in Canada. But what can plan sponsors do to keep employees healthy and engaged?